CSS min() All The Things

Did you see that Chris Coyier published back in August? He experimented with CSS container query units, going all in and using them for every single numeric value in a demo he put together. And was… not too bad, actually.

See the Pen by .

What I found interesting about this is how it demonstrates the complexity of sizing things. We’re constrained to absolute and relative units in CSS, so we’re either stuck at a specific size (e.g., px) or computing the size based on sizing declared on another element (e.g., %, em, rem, vw, vh, and so on). Both come with compromises, so it’s not like there is a “correct” way to go about things — it’s about the element’s context — and leaning heavily in any one direction doesn’t remedy that.

I thought I’d try my own experiment but with the CSS min() function instead of container query units. Why? Well, first off, we can supply the function with any type of length unit we want, which makes the approach a little more flexible than working with one type of unit. But the real reason I wanted to do this is personal interest more than anything else.

The Demo

I won’t make you wait for the end to see how my min() experiment went:

Taking website responsiveness to a whole new level 🌐

— Vayo (@vayospot)

We’ll talk about that more after we walk through the details.

A Little About min()

The min() function takes two values and applies the smallest one, whichever one happens to be in the element’s context. For example, we can say we want an element to be as wide as 50% of whatever container it is in. And if 50% is greater than, say 200px, cap the width there instead.

See the Pen by .

So, min() is sort of like container query units in the sense that it is aware of how much available space it has in its container. But it’s different in that min() isn’t querying its container dimensions to compute the final value. We supply it with two acceptable lengths, and it determines which is best given the context. That makes min() (and max() for that matter) a useful tool for responsive layouts that adapt to the viewport’s size. It uses conditional logic to determine the “best” match, which means it can help adapt layouts without needing to reach for CSS media queries.

.element {
  width: min(200px, 50%);

/* Close to this: */
.element {
  width: 200px;

  @media (min-width: 600px) {
    width: 50%;

The difference between min() and @media in that example is that we’re telling the browser to set the element’s width to 50% at a specific breakpoint of 600px. With min(), it switches things up automatically as the amount of available space changes, whatever viewport size that happens to be.

When I use the min(), I think of it as having the ability to make smart decisions based on context. We don’t have to do the thinking or calculations to determine which value is used. However, using min() coupled with just any CSS unit isn’t enough. For instance, relative units work better for responsiveness than absolute units. You might even think of min() as in that it never goes below the first value but also caps itself at the second value.

I mentioned earlier that we could use any type of unit in min(). Let’s take the same approach that Chris did and lean heavily into a type of unit to see how min() behaves when it is used exclusively for a responsive layout. Specifically, we’ll use viewport units as they are directly relative to the size of the viewport.

Now, there are different flavors of viewport units. We can use the viewport’s width (vw) and height (vh). We also have the vmin and vmax units that are slightly more intelligent in that they evaluate an element’s width and height and apply either the smaller (vmin) or larger (vmax) of the two. So, if we declare 100vmax on an element, and that element is 500px wide by 250px tall, the unit computes to 500px.

That is how I am approaching this experiment. What happens if we eschew media queries in favor of only using min() to establish a responsive layout and lean into viewport units to make it happen? We’ll take it one piece at a time.

Font Sizing

There are various approaches for responsive type. Media queries are quickly becoming the “old school” way of doing it:

p { font-size: 1.1rem; }

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  p { font-size: 1.2rem; }

@media (max-width: 350px) {
  p { font-size: 0.9rem; }

Sure, this works, but what happens when the user uses a 4K monitor? Or a foldable phone? There are other tried and true approaches; in fact, . But we’re leaning all-in on min(). As it happens, just one line of code is all we need to wipe out all of those media queries, substantially reducing our code:

p { font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.23vmax)); }

I’ll walk you through those values…

  1. 6vmin is essentially 6% of the browser’s width or height, whichever is smallest. This allows the font size to shrink as much as needed for smaller contexts.
  2. For calc(1rem + 0.23vmax), 1rem is the base font size, and 0.23vmax is a tiny fraction of the viewport‘s width or height, whichever happens to be the largest.
  3. The calc() function adds those two values together. Since 0.23vmax is evaluated differently depending on which viewport edge is the largest, it’s crucial when it comes to scaling the font size between the two arguments. I’ve tweaked it into something that scales gradually one way or the other rather than blowing things up as the viewport size increases.
  4. Finally, the min() returns the smallest value suitable for the font size of the current screen size.

And speaking of how flexible the min() approach is, it can restrict how far the text grows. For example, we can cap this at a maximum font-size equal to 2rem as a third function parameter:

p { font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.23vmax), 2rem); }

This isn’t a silver bullet tactic. I’d say it’s probably best used for body text, like paragraphs. We might want to adjust things a smidge for headings, e.g., <h1>:

h1 { font-size: min(7.5vmin, calc(2rem + 1.2vmax)); }

We’ve bumped up the minimum size from 6vmin to 7.5vmin so that it stays larger than the body text at any viewport size. Also, in the calc(), the base size is now 2rem, which is smaller than the default UA styles for <h1>. We’re using 1.2vmax as the multiplier this time, meaning it grows more than the body text, which is multiplied by a smaller value, .023vmax.

This works for me. You can always tweak these values and see which works best for your use. Whatever the case, the font-size for this experiment is completely fluid and completely based on the min() function, adhering to my self-imposed constraint.

Margin And Padding

Spacing is a big part of layout, responsive or not. We need margin and padding to properly situate elements alongside other elements and give them breathing room, both inside and outside their box.

We’re going all-in with min() for this, too. We could use absolute units, like pixels, but those aren’t exactly responsive.

min() can combine relative and absolute units so they are more effective. Let’s pair vmin with px this time:

div { margin: min(10vmin, 30px); }

10vmin is likely to be smaller than 30px when viewed on a small viewport. That’s why I’m allowing the margin to shrink dynamically this time around. As the viewport size increases, whereby 10vmin exceeds 30px, min() caps the value at 30px, going no higher than that.

Notice, too, that I didn’t reach for calc() this time. Margins don’t really need to grow indefinitely with screen size, as too much spacing between containers or elements generally looks awkward on larger screens. This concept also works extremely well for padding, but we don’t have to go there. Instead, it might be better to stick with a single unit, preferably em, since it is relative to the element’s font-size. We can essentially “pass” the work that min() is doing on the font-size to the margin and padding properties because of that.

.card-info {
  font-size: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.12vmax));
  padding: 1.2em;

Now, padding scales with the font-size, which is powered by min().


Setting width for a responsive design doesn’t have to be complicated, right? We could simply use a single percentage or viewport unit value to specify how much available horizontal space we want to take up, and the element will adjust accordingly. Though, container query units could be a happy path outside of this experiment.

But we’re min() all the way!

min() comes in handy when setting constraints on how much an element responds to changes. We can set an upper limit of 650px and, if the computed width tries to go larger, have the element settle at a full width of 100%:

.container { width: min(100%, 650px); }

Things get interesting with text width. When the width of a text box is too long, it becomes uncomfortable to read through the texts. There are competing theories about how many characters per line of text is best for an optimal reading experience. For the sake of argument, let’s say that number should be between 50-75 characters. In other words, we ought to pack no more than 75 characters on a line, and we can do that with the ch unit, which is based on the 0 character’s size for whatever font is in use.

p {
  width: min(100%, 75ch);

This code basically says: get as wide as needed but never wider than 75 characters.

Sizing Recipes Based On min()

Over time, with a lot of tweaking and modifying of values, I have drafted a list of pre-defined values that I find work well for responsively styling different properties:

:root {
  --font-size-6x: min(7.5vmin, calc(2rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-5x: min(6.5vmin, calc(1.1rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-4x: min(4vmin, calc(0.8rem + 1.2vmax));
  --font-size-3x: min(6vmin, calc(1rem + 0.12vmax));
  --font-size-2x: min(4vmin, calc(0.85rem + 0.12vmax));
  --font-size-1x: min(2vmin, calc(0.65rem + 0.12vmax));
  --width-2x: min(100vw, 1300px);
  --width-1x: min(100%, 1200px);
  --gap-3x: min(5vmin, 1.5rem);
  --gap-2x: min(4.5vmin, 1rem);
  --size-10x: min(15vmin, 5.5rem);
  --size-9x: min(10vmin, 5rem);
  --size-8x: min(10vmin, 4rem);
  --size-7x: min(10vmin, 3rem);
  --size-6x: min(8.5vmin, 2.5rem);
  --size-5x: min(8vmin, 2rem);
  --size-4x: min(8vmin, 1.5rem);
  --size-3x: min(7vmin, 1rem);
  --size-2x: min(5vmin, 1rem);
  --size-1x: min(2.5vmin, 0.5rem);

This is how I approached my experiment because it helps me know what to reach for in a given situation:

h1 { font-size: var(--font-size-6x); }

.container {
  width: var(--width-2x);
  margin: var(--size-2x);

.card-grid { gap: var(--gap-3x); }

There we go! We have a heading that scales flawlessly, a container that’s responsive and never too wide, and a grid with dynamic spacing — all without a single media query. The --size- properties declared in the variable list are the most versatile, as they can be used for properties that require scaling, e.g., margins, paddings, and so on.

The Final Result, Again

I shared a video of the result, but here’s a link to the demo.

See the Pen by .

So, is min() the be-all, end-all for responsiveness? Absolutely not. Neither is a diet consisting entirely of container query units. I mean, it’s cool that we can scale an entire webpage like this, but the web is never a one-size-fits-all beanie.

If anything, I think this and what Chris demoed are warnings against dogmatic approaches to web design as a whole, not solely unique to responsive design. CSS features, including length units and functions, are tools in a larger virtual toolshed. Rather than getting too cozy with one feature or technique, explore the shed because you might find a better tool for the job.

It’s Here! How To Measure UX & Design Impact, With Vitaly Friedman

Finally! After so many years, we’re very happy to launch , our new practical guide for designers and managers on how to set up and track design success in your company — with UX scorecards, UX metrics, the entire workflow and Design KPI trees. Neatly put together by yours truly, Vitaly Friedman. .

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The Backstory

In many companies, designers are perceived as disruptors, rather than enablers. Designers challenge established ways of working. They ask a lot of questions — much needed ones but also uncomfortable ones. They focus “too much” on user needs, pushing revenue projections back, often with long-winded commitment to testing and research and planning and scoping.

Almost every department in almost every company has their own clearly defined objectives, metrics and KPIs. In fact, most departments — from finance to marketing to HR to sales — are remarkably good at visualizing their impact and making it visible throughout the entire organization.

Designing a KPI tree, an example of how to connect business objectives with design initiatives through the lens of design KPIs. ()

But as designers, we rarely have a set of established Design KPIs that we regularly report to senior management. We don’t have a clear definition of design success. And we rarely measure the impact of our work once it’s launched. So it’s not surprising that moste parts of the business barely know what we actually do all day long.

Business wants results. It also wants to do more of what has worked in the past. But it doesn’t want to be disrupted — it wants to disrupt. It wants to reduce time to market and minimize expenses; increase revenue and existing business, find new markets. This requires fast delivery and good execution.

And that’s what we are often supposed to be — good “executors”. Or to put differently, “pixel pushers”.

Over years, I’ve been searching for a way to change that. This brought me to Design KPIs and UX scorecards, and a workflow to translate business goals into actionable and measurable design initiatives. I had to find a way to explain, visualize and track that incredible impact that designers have on all parts of business — from revenue to loyalty to support to delivery.

The results of that journey are now public in our new video course: — a practical guide for designers, researchers and UX leads to measure and visualize UX impact on business.

About The Course

The course dives deep into establishing team-specific design KPIs, how to track them effectively, how to set up ownership and integrate metrics in design process. You’ll discover how to translate ambiguous objectives into practical design goals, and how to measure design systems and UX research.

Also, we’ll make sense of OKRs, Top Task Analysis, SUS, UMUX-Lite, UEQ, TPI, KPI trees, feedback scoring, gap analysis, and Kano model — and what UX research methods to choose to get better results. or .

The setup for the video recordings. Once all content is in place, it’s about time to set up the recording.

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A practical guide to UX metrics and Design KPIs
8h-video course + live UX training. .

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Table of Contents

25 chapters, 8 hours, with practical examples, exercises, and everything you need to master the art of measuring UX and design impact. Don’t worry, even if it might seem overwhelming at first, we’ll explore things slowly and thoroughly. Taking 1–2 sessions per week is a perfectly good goal to aim for.

We can’t improve without measuring. That’s why our new video course gives you the tools you need to make sense of it all: user needs, just like business needs. ()

1. Welcome


So, how do we measure UX? Well, let’s find out! Meet a friendly welcome message to the video course, outlining all the fine details we’ll be going through: design impact, business metrics, design metrics, surveys, target times and states, measuring UX in B2B and enterprises, design KPI trees, Kano model, event storming, choosing metrics, reporting design success — and how to measure design systems and UX research efforts.

Design impact, UX metrics, business goals, articulating design value, real-world examples, showcasing impact, evidence-driven design.

2. Design Impact


In this segment, we’ll explore how and where we, as UX designers, make an impact within organizations. We’ll explore where we fit in the company structure, how to build strong relationships with colleagues, and how to communicate design value in business terms.

Design impact, design ROI, orgcharts, stakeholder engagement, business language vs. UX language, Double Diamond vs. Reverse Double Diamond, risk mitigation.

3. OKRs and Business Metrics


We’ll explore the key business terms and concepts related to measuring business performance. We’ll dive into business strategy and tactics, and unpack the components of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), KPIs, SMART goals, and metrics.

OKRs, objectives, key results, initiatives, SMART goals, measurable goals, time-bound metrics, goal-setting framework, business objectives.

4. Leading And Lagging Indicators


Businesses often speak of leading and lagging indicators — predictive and retrospective measures of success. Let’s explore what they are and how they are different — and how we can use them to understand the immediate and long-term impact of our UX work.

Leading vs. lagging indicators, cause-and-effect relationship, backwards-looking and forward-looking indicators, signals for future success.

5. Business Metrics, NPS


We dive into the world of business metrics, from Monthly Active Users (MAU) to Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) to Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and many other metrics that often find their way to dashboards of senior management.

Also, almost every business measures NPS. Yet NPS has many limitations, requires a large sample size to be statistically reliable, and what people say and what people do are often very different things. Let’s see what we as designers can do with NPS, and how it relates to our UX work.

Business metrics, MAU, MRR, ARR, CLV, ACV, Net Promoter Score, customer loyalty.

6. Business Metrics, CSAT, CES


We’ll explore the broader context of business metrics, including revenue-related measures like Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) and Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), and churn rate.

We’ll also dive into Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Customer Effort Score (CES). We’ll discuss how these metrics are calculated, their importance in measuring customer experience, and how they complement other well-known (but not necessarily helpful) business metrics like NPS.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), churn rate, Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), Net Promoter Score (NPS), Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

7. Feedback Scoring and Gap Analysis


If you are looking for a simple alternative to NPS, feedback scoring and gap analysis might be a neat little helper. It transforms qualitative user feedback into quantifiable data, allowing us to track UX improvements over time. Unlike NPS, which focuses on future behavior, feedback scoring looks at past actions and current perceptions.

Feedback scoring, gap analysis, qualitative feedback, quantitative data.

8. Design Metrics (TPI, SUS, SUPR-Q)


We’ll explore the landscape of established and reliable design metrics for tracking and capturing UX in digital products. From task success rate and time on task to System Usability Scale (SUS) to Standardized User Experience Percentile Rank Questionnaire (SUPR-Q) to Accessible Usability Scale (AUS), with an overview of when and how to use each, the drawbacks, and things to keep in mind.

UX metrics, KPIs, task success rate, time on task, error rates, error recovery, SUS, SUPR-Q.

9. Design Metrics (UMUX-Lite, SEQ, UEQ)


We’ll continue with slightly shorter alternatives to SUS and SUPR-Q that could be used in a quick email survey or an in-app prompt — UMUX-Lite and Single Ease Question (SEQ). We’ll also explore the “big behemoths” of UX measurements — User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Google’s HEART framework, and custom UX measurement surveys — and how to bring key metrics together in one simple UX scorecard tailored to your product’s unique needs.

UX metrics, UMUX-Lite, Single Ease Question (SEQ), User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), HEART framework, UEQ, UX scorecards.

10. Top Tasks Analysis


The most impactful way to measure UX is to study how successful users are in completing their tasks in their common customer journeys. With top tasks analysis, we focus on what matters, and explore task success rates and time on task. We need to identify representative tasks and bring 15–18 users in for testing. Let’s dive into how it all works and some of the important gotchas and takeaways to consider.

Top task analysis, UX metrics, task success rate, time on task, qualitative testing, 80% success, statistical reliability, baseline testing.

11. Surveys and Sample Sizes


Designing good surveys is hard! We need to be careful on how we shape our questions to avoid biases, how to find the right segment of audience and large enough sample size, how to provide high confidence levels and low margins of errors. In this chapter, we review best practices and a cheat sheet for better survey design — along with do’s and don’ts on question types, rating scales, and survey pre-testing.

Survey design, question types, rating scales, survey length, pre-testing, response rates, statistical significance, sample quality, mean vs. median scores.

12. Measuring UX in B2B and Enterprise


Best measurements come from testing with actual users. But what if you don’t have access to any users? Perhaps because of NDA, IP concerns, lack of clearance, poor availability, and high costs of customers and just lack of users? Let’s explore how we can find a way around such restrictive environments, how to engage with stakeholders, and how we can measure efficiency, failures — and set up UX KPI programs.

B2B, enterprise UX, limited access to users, compliance, legacy systems, compliance, desk research, stakeholder engagement, testing proxies, employee’s UX.

13. Design KPI Trees


To visualize design impact, we need to connect high-level business objectives with specific design initiatives. To do that, we can build up and present Design KPI trees. From the bottom up, the tree captures user needs, pain points, and insights from research, which inform design initiatives. For each, we define UX metrics to track the impact of these initiatives, and they roll up to higher-level design and business KPIs. Let’s explore how it all works in action and how you can use it in your work.

User needs, UX metrics, KPI trees, sub-trees, design initiatives, setting up metrics, measuring and reporting design impact, design workflow, UX metrics graphs, UX planes.

14. Event Storming


How do we choose the right metrics? Well, we don’t start with metrics. We start by identifying most critical user needs and assess the impact of meeting user needs well. To do that, we apply event storming by mapping critical user’s success moments as they interact with a digital product. Our job, then, is to maximize success, remove frustrations, and pave a clear path towards a successful outcome — with event storming.

UX mapping, customer journey maps, service blueprints, event storming, stakeholder alignment, collaborative mapping, UX lanes, critical events, user needs vs. business goals.

15. Kano Model and Survey


Once we have a business objective in front of us, we need to choose design initiatives that are most likely to drive the impact that we need to enable with our UX work. To test how effective our design ideas are, we can map them against a Kano model und run a concept testing survey. It gives us a user’s sentiment that we then need to weigh against business priorities. Let’s see how to do just that.

Feature prioritization, threshold attributes, performance attributes, excitement attributes, user’s sentiment, mapping design ideas, boosting user’s satisfaction.

16. Design Process


How do we design a KPI tree from scratch? We start by running a collaborative event storming to identify key success moments. Then we prioritize key events and explore how we can amplify and streamline them. Then we ideate and come up with design initiatives. These initiatives are stress tested in an impact-effort matrix for viability and impact. Eventually, we define and assign metrics and KPIs, and pull them together in a KPI tree. Here’s how it works from start till the end.

Uncovering user needs, impact-effort matrix, concept testing, event storming, stakeholder collaboration, traversing the KPI tree.

17. Choosing The Right Metrics


Should we rely on established UX metrics such as SUS, UMUX-Lite, and SUPR-Q, or should we define custom metrics tailored to product and user needs? We need to find a balance between the two. It depends on what we want to measure, what we actually can measure, and whether we want to track local impact for a specific change or global impact for the entire customer journey. Let’s figure out how to define and establish metrics that actually will help us track our UX success.

Local vs. global KPIs, time spans, percentage vs. absolute values, A/B testing, mapping between metrics and KPIs, task breakdown, UX lanes, naming design KPIs.

18. Design KPIs Examples


Different contexts will require different design KPIs. In this chapter, we explore a diverse set of UX metrics related to search quality (quality of search for top 100 search queries), form design (error frequency, accuracy), e-commerce (time to final price), subscription-based services (time to tier boundaries), customer support (service desk inquiries) and many others. This should give you a good starting point to build upon for your own product and user needs.

Time to first success, search results quality, form error recovery, password recovery rate, accessibility coverage, time to tier boundaries, service desk inquiries, fake email frequency, early drop-off rate, carbon emissions per page view, presets and templates usage, default settings adoption, design system health.

19. UX Strategy


Establishing UX metrics doesn’t happen over night. You need to discuss and decide what you want to measure and how often it should happen. But also how to integrate metrics, evaluate data, and report findings. And how to embed them into an existing design workflow. For that, you will need time — and green lights from your stakeholders and managers. To achieve that, we need to tap into the uncharted waters of UX strategy. Let’s see what it involves for us and how to make progress there.

Stakeholder engagement, UX maturity, governance, risk mitigation, integration, ownership, accountability, viability.

20. Reporting Design Success


Once you’ve established UX metrics, you will need to report them repeatedly to the senior management. How exactly would you do that? In this chapter, we explore the process of selecting representative tasks, recruiting participants, facilitating testing sessions, and analyzing the resulting data to create a compelling report and presentation that will highlight the value of your UX efforts to stakeholders.

Data analysis, reporting, facilitation, observation notes, video clips, guidelines and recommendations, definition of design success, targets, alignment, and stakeholder’s buy-in.

21. Target Times and States


To show the impact of our design work, we need to track UX snapshots. Basically, it’s four states, mapped against touch points in a customer journey: baseline (threshold not to cross), current state (how we are currently doing), target state (objective we are aiming for), and industry benchmark (to stay competitive). Let’s see how it would work in an actual project.

Competitive benchmarking, baseline measurement, local and global design KPIs, cross-teams metrics, setting realistic goals.

22. Measuring Design Systems


How do we measure the health of a design system? Surely it’s not just a roll-out speed for newly designed UI components or flows. Most teams track productivity and coverage, but we can also go beyond that by measuring relative adoption, efficiency gains (time saved, faster time-to-market, satisfaction score, and product quality). But the best metric is how early designers involve the design system in a conversation during their design work.

Component coverage, decision trees, adoption, efficiency, time to market, user satisfaction, usage analytics, design system ROI, relative adoption.

23. Measuring UX Research


Research insights often end up gaining dust in PDF reports stored on remote fringes of Sharepoint. To track the impact of UX research, we need to track outcomes and research-specific metrics. The way to do that is to track UX research impact for UX and business, through organisational learning and engagement, through make-up of research efforts and their reach. And most importantly: amplifying research where we expect the most significant impact. Let’s see what it involves.

Outcome metrics, organizational influence, research-specific metrics, research references, study observers, research formalization, tracking research-initiated product changes.

24. Getting Started


So you’ve made it so far! Now, how do you get your UX metrics initiative off the ground? By following small steps heading in the right direction. Small commitments, pilot projects, and design guilds will support and enable your efforts. We just need to define realistic goals and turn UX metrics in a culture of measurement, or simply a way of working. Let’s see how we can do just that.

Pilot projects, UX integration, resource assessment, evidence-driven design, establishing a baseline, culture of measurement.

25. Next Steps


Let’s wrap up our journey into UX metrics and Design KPIs and reflect what we have learned. What remains is the first next step: and that would be starting where you are and growing incrementally, by continuously visualizing and explaining your UX impact — however limited it might be — to your stakeholders. This is the last chapter of the course, but the first chapter of your incredible journey that’s ahead of you.

Stakeholder engagement, incremental growth, risk mitigation, user satisfaction, business success.

Who Is The Course For?

This course is tailored for advanced UX practitioners, design leaders, product managers, and UX researchers who are looking for a practical guide to define, establish and track design KPIs, translate business goals into actionable design tasks, and connect business needs with user needs.

What You’ll Learn

By the end of the video course, you’ll have a packed toolbox of practical techniques and strategies on how to define, establish, sell, and measure design KPIs from start to finish — and how to make sure that your design work is always on the right trajectory. You’ll learn:

  • How to translate business goals to UX initiatives,
  • The difference between OKRs, KPIs, and metrics,
  • How to define design success for your company,
  • Metrics and KPIs that businesses typically measure,
  • How to choose the right set of metrics and KPIs,
  • How to establish design KPIs focused on user needs,
  • How to build a comprehensive design KPI tree,
  • How to combine qualitative and quantitative insights,
  • How to choose and prioritize design work,
  • How to track the impact of design work on business goals,
  • How to explain, visualize, and defend design work,
  • How companies define and track design KPIs,
  • How to make a strong case for UX metrics.

Community Matters ❤️

Producing a video course takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts! We hope you’ll find the course useful for your work. Happy watching, everyone! 🎉🥳

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Using Multimodal AI Models For Your Applications (Part 3)

In this third and final part of a , we’re taking a more streamlined approach to an application that supports vision-language (VLM) and text-to-speech (TTS). This time, we’ll use different models that are designed for all three modalities — images or videos, text, and audio (including speech-to-text) — in one model. These “any-to-any” models make things easier by allowing us to avoid switching between models.

Specifically, we’ll focus on two powerful models: Reka and Gemini 1.5 Pro.

Both models take things to the next level compared to the tools we used earlier. They eliminate the need for separate speech recognition models, providing a unified solution for multimodal tasks. With this in mind, our goal in this article is to explore how Reka and Gemini simplify building advanced applications that handle images, text, and audio all at once.

Overview Of Multimodal AI Models

The architecture of multimodal models has evolved to enable seamless handling of various inputs, including text, images, and audio, among others. Traditional models often require separate components for each modality, but recent advancements in “any-to-any” models like or allow developers to build systems that process multiple modalities within a unified architecture.

, for instance, utilizes a 1.2 billion parameter decoder-only transformer architecture with 24 layers, embedding sizes of 2048 and a hidden size of 8196 in its feed-forward layers. This structure is optimized for general tasks across various inputs, but it still relies on extensive task-specific fine-tuning.

, on the other hand, takes a different approach with training on multiple media types within a single architecture. This means it’s a single model trained to handle a variety of inputs (e.g., text, images, code) without the need for separate systems for each. This training method allows for smoother task-switching and better generalization across tasks.

Similarly, employs a multistage training scheme to handle a linear number of tasks while supporting input-output combinations across different modalities. CoDi’s architecture builds a shared multimodal space, enabling synchronized generation for intertwined modalities like video and audio, making it ideal for more dynamic multimedia tasks.

Most “any-to-any” models, including the ones we’ve discussed, rely on a few key concepts to handle different tasks and inputs smoothly:

  • Shared representation space
    These models convert different types of inputs — text, images, audio — into a common feature space. Text is encoded into vectors, images into feature maps, and audio into spectrograms or embeddings. This shared space allows the model to process various inputs in a unified way.
  • Attention mechanisms
    Attention layers help the model focus on the most relevant parts of each input, whether it’s understanding the text, generating captions from images, or interpreting audio.
  • Cross-modal interaction
    In many models, inputs from one modality (e.g., text) can guide the generation or interpretation of another modality (e.g., images), allowing for more integrated and cohesive outputs.
  • Pre-training and fine-tuning
    Models are typically pre-trained on large datasets across different types of data and then fine-tuned for specific tasks, enhancing their performance in real-world applications.

Reka Models

is an AI research company that helps developers build powerful applications by offering models for a range of tasks. These tasks include generating text from videos and images, translating speech, and answering complex questions from long multimodal documents. Reka’s models can even write and execute code, providing flexible, real-world solutions for developers.

These are the three main models Reka offers:

  1. A 67-billion-parameter multimodal language model designed for complex tasks. It supports inputs like images, videos, and texts while excelling in advanced reasoning and coding.
  2. A faster model with a 21-billion-parameter, designed for flexibility and rapid performance in multimodal settings.
  3. (PDF)
    A smaller 7-billion-parameter model was built for on-device and low-latency applications, making it efficient for local use and local or latency-sensitive applications.

Reka’s models can be fine-tuned and deployed securely, whether on the cloud, on-premises, or even on-device. Let’s start by testing Reka’s capabilities directly through its . This allows us to experiment with its multimodal features without writing any code, providing a hands-on way to see how the models handle various tasks, such as image and video comprehension.

Alright, we’ll kick things off by uploading an image of a diagram outline of the PaliGemma architecture and ask Reka for a detailed explanation.

Can you provide a more detailed explanation of this image?

Here’s what we get from Reka Core:

“This image is a schematic representation of a machine-learning model named PaliGemma. The model appears to be designed for multimodal input, combining both image and text data. At the top, there are two input sources: ‘Image Input’ and ‘Text Input’. The image input is processed by a ‘SigLIP Image Encoder’, which likely stands for a specific type of image encoding technique. The output of this encoder is then subjected to a ‘Linear Projection’, which is a common step in machine learning to transform data into a lower-dimensional space. The text input is directly fed into the model. Both the projected image data and the text input are then concatenated into ‘Concatenated Tokens’, which are then processed by a component labeled ‘Gemma’. The final output of the model is ‘Text Output’, which suggests that the model is designed to generate text based on the input data.”

It’s a clear and detailed breakdown of the PaliGemma architecture. The model accurately identifies image and text inputs, the , and the linear projection step. It also grasps how the image and text inputs are combined and processed to generate text output. I should admit that the response is quite neat, offering a solid explanation of the architecture.

Let’s try a video input instead. We’ll upload the video about , a software, and ask a question to see how well Reka Core handles video comprehension.

What is this video about?

“This video is a screen recording of a group of friends discussing their plans for the weekend.”

Well, it’s not a good answer compared to . Now let’s try a longer video, but with the Reka Flash model. The video is about a TTS model called . Instead of asking what the video is about, let’s prompt it like this:

I’m an AI developer, and I’m not sure how this TTS model can help me in my projects. Can you explain how I can use it or what it’s useful for?

Reka Flash generates a solid answer this time:

“Of course! This TTS (Text-to-Speech) model can be incredibly useful for developers, especially those working on projects that involve creating more human-like interactions or providing audio feedback to users. Here are some ways you can leverage this TTS model in your projects:

  1. Accessibility: TTS models can greatly enhance the accessibility of your applications for users with visual impairments or reading difficulties. By providing spoken feedback or narrating content, you can make your applications more inclusive
  2. Voice Assistants: You can integrate this TTS model into voice assistants or chatbots, allowing them to generate more natural-sounding responses. This can improve user experience and make interactions with your bots more engaging.
  3. Multimedia Applications: This TTS model can be used in multimedia applications, such as e-books, educational tools, or games, to provide spoken narration or instructions. This can make the content more engaging and easier to understand.
  4. Audio Notifications: You can use the TTS model to generate audio notifications for your applications, providing users with spoken alerts or reminders. This can be particularly useful for users who may not always have their screens visible.
  5. Language Learning: The TTS model can be used in language learning applications to provide users with correct pronunciation and intonation. It can also generate spoken feedback or narrate lessons, making the learning process more immersive.
  6. Audio Books: You can use the TTS model to generate audio books, allowing users to listen to written content instead of reading it. This can be especially helpful for users who prefer auditory learning or have difficulty reading.
  7. Explainer Videos: The TTS model can be used to generate voiceovers for explainer videos, providing users with spoken narration that explains the content on the screen. This can make the content more engaging and easier to understand.
  8. Audio Feedback: You can use the TTS model to generate audio feedback for users in your applications, such as confirming actions, providing instructions, or giving feedback on their performance. This can make the interactions more natural and intuitive.

In summary, the TTS model can be a valuable tool for developers looking to create more human-like interactions, improve accessibility, and enhance the user experience in various applications.”

It’s a good answer that’s informative and quite practical for developers. Let’s compare what happens when we try the Reka Edge model with a PDF input titled “Meta AI — Responsible Use Guide” ().

As an AI developer, how can I ensure that I am following the responsible AI guidelines outlined in this document?

“To ensure that your use of AI aligns with the principles outlined in this guide, you can follow these steps and best practices:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the principles of responsible AI, such as transparency, accountability, and user empowerment, as outlined in the guide.
  2. Understand the potential impacts of AI on users and society, and be aware of the risks and challenges associated with the development and deployment of AI systems.
  3. Embrace an iterative model-development mindset, continuously striving for improvement and learning from feedback and errors.
  4. Build a responsible AI ecosystem by working with partners, experts, and communities to develop and share best practices, tools, and benchmarking resources.
  5. Follow the guidelines and best practices outlined in the guide for each stage of model development, from data collection and preparation to fine-tuning, evaluation, and deployment.
  6. Consider the specific use case and requirements for your AI system, and tailor your approach accordingly.
  7. Regularly monitor and evaluate the performance and safety of your AI system and make adjustments as needed to ensure it aligns with the principles outlined in the guide.
  8. Be transparent and accountable in your interactions with users and stakeholders, and be open to feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  9. Stay informed about the latest developments and research in the field of AI, and be prepared to adapt your approach as needed to address new challenges and opportunities.
  10. Follow the specific guidelines and best practices outlined in the addendum for Code Llama, such as defining content policies, evaluating and benchmarking models, and addressing input- and output-level risks.”

Reka Edge’s answer is quite thorough and detailed, too!

If you want to dive into coding, start by and getting an API key. Then you can follow along with this . Try out their Python SDK, and make sure to explore the different It’s a great way to see how these tools work under the hood!

Gemini Models

, developed by , is designed to handle complex tasks efficiently, thanks to the new Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) system. MoE is like packing several specialized models inside one big model. Instead of using the whole network for every task, Gemini 1.5 activates only the parts (or what they call “experts”) that are most relevant. This means Gemini 1.5 can tackle complex tasks with less processing power than a typical monolithic model.

We can explore Gemini’s features in since it’s already baked right in. We’ll begin by uploading the following image illustrating VLM capabilities.

We’ll ask Gemini to analyze the image and extract details or concepts:

Explain this image. What are the specific details or concepts it represents?

“The image is a flowchart illustrating different types of image understanding tasks with a Vision Language Model.

  • Object Localization: This task aims to identify the precise location of objects within an image. The example question asks, “Is one cat behind another?”
  • Zero-shot Segmentation: This task involves segmenting an image into different regions based on a given label, even if the model has never seen that specific label before. The example question asks to segment “striped cat.”
  • Zero-shot Visual QA: This task requires answering questions about an image, even if the model has not been specifically trained to answer that type of question. The example question asks, “What is the breed of these cats?”
  • One-shot Learning with Instructions: This task involves providing the model with a single example and instruction to learn a new concept and apply it to other images. The example question asks, “Striped cats are called tabby cats. What is the breed of the cats in the image?”

Well, Gemini nailed it — it clearly understood the image and recognized the tasks a VLM handles. This is exactly what you’d expect from a model designed for advanced image analysis.

Now, we’ll upload another image — this time of an Italian dish — and ask Gemini if it can recognize the dishes and list the ingredients needed for them. This type of “food recognition task” will help us test its ability to identify foods and ingredients.

List the different dishes in this image, also from which country, and give me the ingredients I need to make them.

“The image shows an Italian feast with the following dishes:

  1. Seafood Stew: A rich and flavorful stew with seafood like clams, mussels, shrimp, fish, and vegetables in a tomato broth.
  2. Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce: Classic spaghetti pasta tossed in a simple yet flavorful tomato sauce.
  3. Meatballs in Tomato Sauce: Tender and juicy meatballs simmered in a rich tomato sauce.
  4. Lasagna: Layered pasta with meat sauce, cheese, and tomato sauce.
  5. Side Salad: A refreshing side salad with mixed greens, tomatoes, and other vegetables.
  6. Garlic Bread: Toasted bread slices rubbed with garlic and olive oil.
  7. Marinara Sauce: A simple tomato-based sauce.

This is a typical Italian meal with various dishes showcasing the flavors of Italian cuisine.

As for the ingredients, you’ll need tomatoes for many of these dishes, specifically for the sauces and the side salad.”

Well, the model did a good job recognizing the dishes, but it also didn’t give me all the necessary ingredients. Let’s see how it does with videos instead, using the same video we used earlier with the Reka models. This time, the task will focus on action recognition.

What is the purpose of this video, and what key actions or processes are being demonstrated?

“The video is a tutorial about the importance of friendship and how it can impact our lives. It demonstrates the use of a video editing software called “Genmy” to create a video and add text subtitles. The video creator is using Genmy to:

  • Record their voice: This is seen at the top of the screen with the mic icon.
  • Add text to speech: You see the “Text to Speech” option, which is likely being used to generate subtitles or captions for the video.
  • Edit the timeline: They’re working with a video timeline, adding and arranging different elements.
  • Add voice-over: The speaker is adding commentary to the video.
  • Create a visually appealing presentation: They’re using a combination of video footage, text, and voice-over to create an engaging tutorial.”

Well, Gemini gave a clear breakdown of the video, identifying it as a tutorial demonstrating the to highlight how it’s used for recording voice, adding text-to-speech, editing video timelines, and allowing voice-over. Impressive!

Let’s upload one more video, the same one we used for Reka about the Parler TTS model, and ask Gemini to analyze and summarize the contents.

Summarize this video and explain how the contents might be relevant or helpful for software engineers.

“This video showcases different voice samples generated by a text-to-speech (TTS) system called “Parler-TTS.” The video highlights various voice characteristics like gender, pace, pitch, and even the simulated environment. For software engineers, this video demonstrates the progress made in TTS technology. These are some insights:

  • Voice Variety: The video shows that Parler-TTS can create diverse voices, potentially useful for applications needing different personas or tones.
  • Fine-grained Control: The video emphasizes the ability to control voice parameters like pace and pitch, showcasing the potential for customizability.
  • Quality and Naturalness: The video focuses on the quality of the generated speech, demonstrating the advancements made in speech synthesis, which is crucial for user experience.”

Nicely done! I can go with that answer. Gemini explains adjusting voice settings, like pitch and speed, and how having different voices can be useful. Gemini also emphasizes the importance of natural, high-quality speech, which is handy for developers working with TTS systems!

Alright, for coding, you can grab the code from Google AI Studio by clicking the Get Code button. You can choose between formatting the code in Python, Swift, and Java, among other languages.


Both Reka and Gemini are strong multimodal models for AI applications, but there are key differences between them to consider. Here’s a table that breaks those down:

Feature Reka Gemini 1.5
Multimodal Capabilities Image, video, and text processing Image, video, text, with extended token context
Efficiency Optimized for multimodal tasks Built with MoE for efficiency
Context Window Standard token window Up to two million tokens (with Flash variant)
Architecture Focused on multimodal task flow MoE improves specialization
Training/Serving High performance with efficient model switching More efficient training with MoE architecture
Deployment Supports on-device deployment Primarily cloud-based, with Vertex AI integration
Use Cases Interactive apps, edge deployment Suited for large-scale, long-context applications
Languages Supported Multiple languages Supports many languages with long context windows

Reka stands out for on-device deployment, which is super useful for apps requiring offline capabilities or low-latency processing.

On the other hand, Gemini 1.5 Pro shines with its long context windows, making it a great option for handling large documents or complex queries in the cloud.

Build A Static RSS Reader To Fight Your Inner FOMO

In a fast-paced industry like tech, it can be hard to deal with the fear of missing out on important news. But, as many of us know, there’s an absolutely huge amount of information coming in daily, and finding the right time and balance to keep up can be difficult, if not stressful. A classic piece of technology like an RSS feed is a delightful way of taking back ownership of our own time. In this article, we will create a static Really Simple Syndication (RSS) reader that will bring you the latest curated news only once (yes: once) a day.

We’ll obviously work with RSS technology in the process, but we’re also going to combine it with some things that maybe you haven’t tried before, including Astro (the static site framework), TypeScript (for JavaScript goodies), a package called rss-parser (for connecting things together), as well as scheduled functions and build hooks provided by Netlify (although there are other services that do this).

I chose these technologies purely because I really, really enjoy them! There may be other solutions out there that are more performant, come with more features, or are simply more comfortable to you — and in those cases, I encourage you to swap in whatever you’d like. The most important thing is getting the end result!

The Plan

Here’s how this will go. Astro generates the website. I made the intentional decision to use a static site because I want the different RSS feeds to be fetched only once during build time, and that’s something we can control each time the site is “rebuilt” and redeployed with updates. That’s where Netlify’s scheduled functions come into play, as they let us trigger rebuilds automatically at specific times. There is no need to manually check for updates and deploy them! Cron jobs can just as readily do this if you prefer a server-side solution.

During the triggered rebuild, we’ll let the rss-parser package do exactly what it says it does: parse a list of RSS feeds that are contained in an array. The package also allows us to set a filter for the fetched results so that we only get ones from the past day, week, and so on. Personally, I only render the news from the last seven days to prevent content overload. We’ll get there!

But first…

What Is RSS?

RSS is a web feed technology that you can feed into a reader or news aggregator. Because RSS is standardized, you know what to expect when it comes to the feed’s format. That means we have a ton of fun possibilities when it comes to handling the data that the feed provides. Most news websites have their own RSS feed that you can subscribe to (this is Smashing Magazine’s RSS feed: ). An RSS feed is capable of updating every time a site publishes new content, which means it can be a quick source of the latest news, but we can tailor that frequency as well.

RSS feeds are written in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) format and have specific elements that can be used within it. Instead of focusing too much on the technicalities here, I’ll give you a link to the . Don’t worry; that page should be scannable enough for you to find the most pertinent information you need, like the kinds of elements that are supported and what they represent. For this tutorial, we’re only using the following elements: <title>, <link>, <description>, <item>, and <pubDate>. We’ll also let our RSS parser package do some of the work for us.

Creating The State Site

We’ll start by creating our Astro site! In your terminal run pnpm create astro@latest. You can use any package manager you want — I’m simply trying out for myself.

After running the command, Astro’s chat-based helper, Houston, walks through some setup questions to get things started.

 astro   Launch sequence initiated.

   dir   Where should we create your new project?

  tmpl   How would you like to start your new project?
         Include sample files

    ts   Do you plan to write TypeScript?

   use   How strict should TypeScript be?

  deps   Install dependencies?

   git   Initialize a new git repository?

I like to use Astro’s sample files so I can get started quickly, but we’re going to clean them up a bit in the process. Let’s clean up the src/pages/index.astro file by removing everything inside of the <main></main> tags. Then we’re good to go!

From there, we can spin things by running pnpm start. Your terminal will tell you which localhost address you can find your site at.

Pulling Information From RSS feeds

The src/pages/index.astro file is where we will make an array of RSS feeds we want to follow. We will be using , so between the two code fences (—), create an array of feedSources and add some feeds. If you need inspiration, you can copy this:

const feedSources = [
  // etc.

Now we’ll install the in our project by running pnpm install rss-parser. This package is a small library that turns the XML that we get from fetching an RSS feed into JavaScript objects. This makes it easy for us to read our RSS feeds and manipulate the data any way we want.

Once the package is installed, open the src/pages/index.astro file, and at the top, we’ll import the rss-parser and instantiate the Partner class.

import Parser from 'rss-parser';
const parser = new Parser();

We use this parser to read our RSS feeds and (surprise!) parse them to JavaScript. We’re going to be dealing with a list of promises here. Normally, I would probably use Promise.all(), but the thing is, this is supposed to be a complicated experience. If one of the feeds doesn’t work for some reason, I’d prefer to simply ignore it.

Why? Well, because Promise.all() rejects everything even if only one of its promises is rejected. That might mean that if one feed doesn’t behave the way I’d expect it to, my entire page would be blank when I grab my hot beverage to read the news in the morning. I do not want to start my day confronted by an error.

Instead, I’ll opt to use Promise.allSettled(). This method will actually let all promises complete even if one of them fails. In our case, this means any feed that errors will just be ignored, which is perfect.

Let’s add this to the src/pages/index.astro file:

interface FeedItem {
  feed?: string;
  title?: string;
  link?: string;
  date?: Date;

const feedItems: FeedItem[] = [];

await Promise.allSettled(
  feedSources.map(async (source) => {
    try {
      const feed = await parser.parseURL(source);
      feed.items.forEach((item) => {
        const date = item.pubDate ? new Date(item.pubDate) : undefined;

            feed: feed.title,
            title: item.title,
            link: item.link,
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(Error fetching feed from ${source}:, error);

This creates an array (or more) named feedItems. For each URL in the feedSources array we created earlier, the rss-parser retrieves the items and, yes, parses them into JavaScript. Then, we return whatever data we want! We’ll keep it simple for now and only return the following:

  • The feed title,
  • The title of the feed item,
  • The link to the item,
  • And the item’s published date.

The next step is to ensure that all items are sorted by date so we’ll truly get the “latest” news. Add this small piece of code to our work:

const sortedFeedItems = feedItems.sort((a, b) => (b.date ?? new Date()).getTime() - (a.date ?? new Date()).getTime());

Oh, and… remember when I said I didn’t want this RSS reader to render anything older than seven days? Let’s tackle that right now since we’re already in this code.

We’ll make a new variable called sevenDaysAgo and assign it a date. We’ll then set that date to seven days ago and use that logic before we add a new item to our feedItems array.

This is what the src/pages/index.astro file should now look like at this point:

import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro';
import Parser from 'rss-parser';
const parser = new Parser();

const sevenDaysAgo = new Date();
sevenDaysAgo.setDate(sevenDaysAgo.getDate() - 7);

const feedSources = [

interface FeedItem {
  feed?: string;
  title?: string;
  link?: string;
  date?: Date;

const feedItems: FeedItem[] = [];

await Promise.allSettled(
  feedSources.map(async (source) => {
    try {
      const feed = await parser.parseURL(source);
      feed.items.forEach((item) => {
        const date = item.pubDate ? new Date(item.pubDate) : undefined;
        if (date && date >= sevenDaysAgo) {
            feed: feed.title,
            title: item.title,
            link: item.link,
    } catch (error) {
      console.error(Error fetching feed from ${source}:, error);

const sortedFeedItems = feedItems.sort((a, b) => (b.date ?? new Date()).getTime() - (a.date ?? new Date()).getTime());


<Layout title="Welcome to Astro.">

Rendering XML Data

It’s time to show our news articles on the Astro site! To keep this simple, we’ll format the items in an unordered list rather than some other fancy layout.

All we need to do is update the <Layout> element in the file with the XML objects sprinkled in for a feed item’s title, URL, and publish date.

<Layout title="Welcome to Astro.">
  {sortedFeedItems.map(item => (
        <a href={item.link}>{item.title}</a>

Go ahead and run pnpm start from the terminal. The page should display an unordered list of feed items. Of course, everything is styled at the moment, but luckily for you, you can make it look exactly like you want with CSS!

And remember that there are even more fields available in the XML for each item if you want to display more information. If you run the following snippet in your DevTools console, you’ll see all of the fields you have at your disposal:

feed.items.forEach(item => {}

Scheduling Daily Static Site Builds

We’re nearly done! The feeds are being fetched, and they are returning data back to us in JavaScript for use in our Astro page template. Since feeds are updated whenever new content is published, we need a way to fetch the latest items from it.

We want to avoid doing any of this manually. So, let’s set this site on Netlify to gain access to their scheduled functions that trigger a rebuild and their build hooks that do the building. Again, other services do this, and you’re welcome to roll this work with another provider — I’m just partial to Netlify since I work there. In any case, you can follow Netlify’s documentation for .

Once your site is hosted and live, you are ready to schedule your rebuilds. A gives you a URL to use to trigger the new build, looking something like this:


Let’s trigger builds every day at midnight. We’ll use Netlify’s . That’s really why I’m using Netlify to host this in the first place. Having them at the ready via the host greatly simplifies things since there’s no server work or complicated configurations to get this going. Set it and forget it!

We’ll install @netlify/functions () to the project and then create the following file in the project’s root directory: netlify/functions/deploy.ts.

This is what we want to add to that file:

// netlify/functions/deploy.ts

import type { Config } from '@netlify/functions';

const BUILD_HOOK =
  '; // replace me!

export default async (req: Request) => {
  await fetch(BUILD_HOOK, {
    method: 'POST',

export const config: Config = {
  schedule: '0 0 * * *',

If you commit your code and push it, your site should re-deploy automatically. From that point on, it follows a schedule that rebuilds the site every day at midnight, ready for you to take your morning brew and catch up on everything that you think is important.

How A Bottom-Up Design Approach Enhances Site Accessibility

Accessibility is key in modern web design. A site that doesn’t consider how its user experience may differ for various audiences — especially those with disabilities — will fail to engage and serve everyone equally. One of the best ways to prevent this is to approach your site from a bottom-up perspective.

Understanding Bottom-Up Design

Conventional, top-down design approaches start with the big picture before breaking these goals and concepts into smaller details. Bottom-up philosophies, by contrast, consider the minute details first, eventually achieving the broader goal piece by piece.

This alternative way of thinking is important for accessibility in general because it reflects how neurodivergent people commonly think. While non-autistic people , those with autism often employ a bottom-up way of thinking.

Of course, there is considerable variation, and researchers have identified within the autism spectrum:

  • Visual thinkers who think in images;
  • Pattern thinkers who think of concepts in terms of patterns and relationships;
  • Verbal thinkers who think only in word detail.

Still, research shows that people with autism and ADHD rather than the top-down approach you often see in neurotypical users. Consequently, a top-down strategy means you may miss details your audience may notice, and your site may not feel easily usable for all users.

As a real-world example, consider the task of writing an essay. Many students are instructed to start an essay assignment by thinking about the main point they want to convey and then create an outline with points that support the main argument. This is top-down thinking — starting with the big picture of the topic and then gradually breaking down the topic into points and then later into words that articulate these points.

In contrast, someone who uses a bottom-up thinking approach might start an essay with no outline but rather just by freely jotting down every idea that comes to mind as it comes to mind — perhaps starting with one particular idea or example that the writer finds interesting and wants to explore further and branching off from there. Then, once all the ideas have been written out, the writer goes back to group related ideas together and arrange them into a logical outline. This writer starts with the small details of the essay and then works these details into the big picture of the final form.

In web design, in particular, a bottom-up approach means starting with the specifics of the user experience instead of the desired effect. You may determine a readable layout for a single blog post, then ask how that page relates to others and slowly build on these decisions until you have several well-organized website categories.

You may even get more granular. Say you start your site design by placing a menu at the bottom of a mobile site to make it easier to tap with one hand, improving ease of use. Then, you build a drop-down menu around that choice — placing the most popular or needed options at the bottom instead of the top for easy tapping. From there, you may have to rethink larger-scale layouts to work around those interactive elements being lower on the screen, slowly addressing larger categories until you have a finished site design.

In either case, the idea of bottom-up design is to begin with the most specific problems someone might have. You then address them in sequence instead of determining the big picture first.

Benefits Of A Bottom-Up Approach For Accessible Design

While neither bottom-up nor top-down approaches dominate the industry, some web engineers prefer the bottom-up approach due to the various accessibility benefits this process provides. This strategy has several accessibility benefits.

Putting User Needs First

The biggest benefit of bottom-up methods is that they prioritize the user’s needs.

Top-down approaches seem organized, but they often result in a site that reflects the designer’s choices and beliefs more than it serves your audience.

Consider some of the complaints that social media users have made over the years related to usability and accessibility for the everyday user. For example, many users complain that their Facebook feed will randomly refresh as they scroll for the sake of providing users with the most up-to-date content. However, the feature makes it virtually impossible to get back to a post a user viewed that they didn’t think to save. Likewise, TikTok’s watch history feature and still today is difficult for many users to find without viewing an outside tutorial on the subject.

This is a common problem: have Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) errors. While a bottom-up alternative doesn’t mean you won’t make any mistakes, it may make them less likely, as bottom-up thinking of new stimuli so you can catch things you’d otherwise overlook. It’s easier to meet user’s needs when you build your entire site around their experience instead of looking at UX as an afterthought.

Consider this , a multi-billion-dollar holding company. The overall design philosophy is understandable: It’s simple and direct, choosing to focus on information instead of fancy aesthetics that may not suit the company image. However, you could argue it loses itself in this big picture.

While it is simple, the lack of menus or color contrast and the small font make it harder to read and a little overwhelming. This confusion can counteract any accessibility benefits of its simplicity.

Alternatively, even a simple website redesign could include intuitive menus, additional contrast, and accessible font for easy navigation across the site.

The offers a better example of web design centered around users’ needs. Concise, clear menus line the top of the page to aid quicker, easier navigation. The color scheme is simple enough to avoid confusion but provides enough contrast to make everything easy to read — something the sans-serif font further helps.

Ensuring Accessibility From The Start

A top-down method also makes catering to a diverse audience difficult because you may need to shoehorn features into an existing design.

For example, say, a local government agency creates a website focused on providing information and services to a general audience of residents. The site originally featured high-resolution images, bright colors, and interactive charts.

However, they realize the images are not accessible to people navigating the site with screen readers, while multiple layers of submenus are difficult for keyboard-only users. Further, the bright colors make it hard for visually impaired users to read the site’s information.

The agency, realizing these accessibility concerns, adds captions to each image. However, the captions disrupt the originally intended visual aesthetics and user flow. Further, adjusting the bright colors would involve completely rethinking the site’s entire color palette. If these considerations had been made before the site was built, the site build could have specifically accommodated these elements while still creating an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly result.

Alternatively, a site initially built with high contrast, a calm color scheme, clear typography, simple menus, and reduced imagery would make this site much more accessible to a wide user base from the get-go.

As a real-world example, website. There are plenty of menus to condense information and ease navigation without overloading the screen — a solid accessibility choice. However, there does not seem to be consistent thought in these menus’ placement or organization.

There are far too many menus; some are at the top while others are at the bottom, and a scrolling top bar adds further distractions. It seems like Awwwards may have added additional menus as an afterthought to improve navigation. This leads to inconsistencies and crowding because they did not begin with this thought.

In contrast,

Bottom-up alternatives address usability issues from the beginning, which results in a more functional, accessible website.

Redesigning a system to address a usability issue it didn’t originally make room for is challenging. It can lead to errors like broken links and other unintended consequences that may hinder access for other visitors. Some sites have even claimed to lose after a redesign. While bottom-up approaches won’t eliminate those possibilities, they make them less likely by centering everything around usage from the start.

The in Stockholm, Sweden, showcases a more cohesive approach to ensuring accessibility. Like Awwwards, it uses menus to aid navigation and organization, but there seems to be more forethought into these features. All menus are at the top, and there are fewer of them, resulting in less clutter and a faster way to find what you’re looking for. The overall design complements this by keeping things simple and neat so that the menus stand out.

Increasing Awareness

Similarly, bottom-up design ensures you don’t miss as many accessibility concerns. When you start at the top, before determining what details fit within it, you may not consider all the factors that influence it. Beginning with the specifics instead makes it easier to spot and address problems you would’ve missed otherwise.

This awareness is particularly important for serving a diverse population. An estimated — 1.6 billion people — have a significant disability. That means there’s a huge range of varying needs to account for, but most people lack firsthand experience living with these conditions. Consequently, it’s easy to miss things impacting others’ UX. You can overcome that knowledge gap by asking how everyone can use your site first.

Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down: Which Is Best for You?

As these benefits show, a bottom-up design philosophy can be helpful when building an accessible site. Still, top-down methods can be advantageous at times, too. Which is best depends on your situation.

Top-down approaches are a good way to ensure a consistent brand image, as you start with the overall idea and base future decisions on this concept. It also makes it easier to create a design hierarchy to facilitate decision-making within your team. When anyone has a question, they can turn to whoever is above them or refer to the broader goals. Such organization can also mean faster design processes.

Bottom-up methods, by contrast, are better when accessibility for a diverse audience is your main concern. It may be harder to keep everyone on the same overall design philosophy page, but it usually produces a more functional website. You can catch and solve problems early and pay great attention to detail. However, this can mean longer design cycles, which can incur extra costs.

It may come down to what your team is most comfortable with. People think and work differently, with some preferring a top-down approach while others find bottom-up more natural. Combining the two — starting with a top-down model before tackling updates from a bottom-up perspective — can be beneficial, too.

Strategies For Implementing A Bottom-Up Design Model

Should you decide a bottom-up design method is best for your goals, here are some ways you can embrace this philosophy.

Talk To Your Existing User Base

One of the most important factors in bottom-up web design is to center everything around your users. As a result, your existing user base — whether from a separate part of your business or another site you run — is the perfect place to start.

Survey customers and web visitors about their experience on your sites and others. Ask what pain points they have and what features they’d appreciate. Any commonalities between responses deserve attention. You can also for inspiration on accessible functionality, but first-hand user feedback should form the core of your mission.

Look To Past Projects For Accessibility Gaps

Past sites and business projects can also reveal what specifics you should start with. Look for any accessibility gaps by combing through old customer feedback and update histories and using these sites yourself to find issues. Take note of any barriers or usability concerns to address in your next website.

Remember to document everything you find as you go. Up to is unstructured, making it difficult to analyze later. Reversing that trend by organizing your findings and recording your accessible design process will streamline future accessibility optimization efforts.

Divide Tasks But Communicate Often

Keep in mind that a bottom-up strategy can be time-consuming. One of the reasons why top-down alternatives are popular is because they’re efficient. You can overcome this gap by splitting tasks between smaller teams. However, these groups must communicate frequently to ensure separate design considerations work as a cohesive whole.

A DevOps approach is helpful here. DevOps has helped achieve a faster time to market, and 61% report higher-quality deliverables. It also includes space for both detailed work and team-wide meetings to keep everyone on track. Such benefits ensure you can remain productive in a bottom-up strategy.

Accessible Websites Need A Bottom-Up Design Approach

You can’t overstate the importance of accessible website design. By the same token, bottom-up philosophies are crucial in modern site-building. A detail-oriented approach makes it easier to serve a more diverse audience along several fronts. Making the most of this opportunity will both extend your reach to new niches and make the web a more equitable place.

The are a good place to start. While these guidelines don’t necessarily describe how to apply a bottom-up approach, they do outline critical user needs and accessibility concerns your design should consider. The site also offers a free and comprehensive for designers and developers.

Familiarizing yourself with these standards and best practices will make it easier to understand your audience before you begin designing your site. You can then build a more accessible platform from the ground up.

Additionally, the following are some valuable related reads that can act as inspiration in accessibility-centered and user-centric design.

  • by Regine M. Gilbert
  • by Ashley Firth
  • by Steve Krug

By employing bottom-up thinking as well as resources like these in your design approach, you can create websites that not only meet current accessibility standards but actively encourage site use among users of all backgrounds and abilities.

Further Reading On SmashingMag

  • “,” Eric Bailey
  • “,” Vitaly Friedman
  • “,” Sandrina Pereira
  • “,” Brecht De Ruyte

Interview With Björn Ottosson, Creator Of The Oklab Color Space

Oklab is a new perceptual color space supported in all major browsers created by the Swedish engineer Björn Ottosson. In this interview, Philip Jägenstedt explores how and why Björn created Oklab and how it spread across the ecosystem.

Note: The original interview was conducted in Swedish and is .

About Björn

Philip Jägenstedt: Tell me a little about yourself, Björn.

Björn Ottosson: I worked for many years in the game industry on game engines and games like FIFA, Battlefield, and Need for Speed. I’ve always been interested in technology and its interaction with the arts. I’m an engineer, but I’ve always held both of these interests.

On Working With Color

Philip: For someone who hasn’t dug into colors much, what’s so hard about working with them?

Björn: Intuitively, colors can seem quite simple. A color can be lighter or darker, it can be more blue or more green, and so on. Everyone with typical color vision has a fairly similar experience of color, and this can be modeled.

However, the way we manipulate colors in software usually doesn’t align with human perception of colors. The most common color space is sRGB. There’s also HSL, which is common for choosing colors, but it’s also based on sRGB.

One problem with sRGB is that in a gradient between blue and white, it becomes a bit purple in the middle of the transition. That’s because sRGB really isn’t created to mimic how the eye sees colors; rather, it is based on how work. That means it works with certain frequencies of red, green, and blue, and also the . It’s a miracle it works as well as it does, but it’s not connected to color perception. When using those tools, you sometimes get surprising results, like purple in the gradient.

On Color Perception

Philip: How do humans perceive color?

Björn: When light enters the eye and hits the retina, it’s processed in many layers of neurons and creates a mental impression. It’s unlikely that the process would be simple and linear, and it’s not. But incredibly enough, most people still perceive colors similarly.

People have been trying to understand colors and have created color wheels and similar visualizations for hundreds of years. During the 20th century, a lot of research and modeling went into color vision. For example, the model is based on how sensitive our photoreceptor cells are to different frequencies of light. CIE XYZ is still a foundational color space on which all other color spaces are based.

There were also attempts to create simple models matching human perception based on XYZ, but as it turned out, it’s not possible to model all color vision that way. Perception of color is incredibly complex and depends, among other things, on whether it is dark or light in the room and the background color it is against. When you look at a photograph, it also depends on what you think the color of the light source is. is a typical example of color vision being very context-dependent. It is almost impossible to model this perfectly.

Models that try to take all of this complexity into account are called color appearance models. Although they have many applications, they’re not that useful if you don’t know if the viewer is in a light or bright room or other viewing conditions.

The odd thing is that there’s a gap between the tools we typically use — such as sRGB and HSL — and the findings of this much older research. To an extent, this makes sense because when HSL was developed in the 1970s, we didn’t have much computing power, so it’s a fairly simple translation of RGB. However, not much has changed since then.

We have a lot more processing power now, but we’ve settled for fairly simple tools for handling colors in software.

Display technology has also improved. Many displays now have different RGB primaries, i.e., a redder red, greener green, or bluer blue. sRGB cannot reach all colors available on these displays. The new P3 color space can, but it’s very similar to sRGB, just a little wider.

On Creating Oklab

Philip: What, then, is Oklab, and how did you create it?

Björn: When working in the game industry, sometimes I wanted to do simple color manipulations like making a color darker or changing the hue. I researched existing color spaces and how good they are at these simple tasks and concluded that all of them are problematic in some way.

Many people know about . It’s quite close to human perception of color, but the handling of hue is not great. For example, a gradient between blue and white turns out purple in CIE Lab, similar to in sRGB. Some color spaces handle hue well but have other issues to consider.

When I left my job in gaming to pursue education and consulting, I had a bit of time to tackle this problem. Oklab is my attempt to find a better balance, something Lab-like but “okay”.

I based Oklab on two other color spaces, and . I used the lightness and saturation prediction from CIECAM16, which is a color appearance model, as a target. I actually wanted to use the datasets used to create CIECAM16, but I couldn’t find them.

IPT was designed to have better hue uniformity. In experiments, they asked people to match light and dark colors, saturated and unsaturated colors, which resulted in a dataset for which colors, subjectively, have the same hue. IPT has a few other issues but is the basis for hue in Oklab.

Using these three datasets, I set out to create a simple color space that would be “okay”. I used an approach quite similar to IPT but combined it with the lightness and saturation estimates from CIECAM16. The resulting Oklab still has good hue uniformity but also handles lightness and saturation well.

Philip: How about the name Oklab? Why is it just okay?

Björn: This is a bit tongue-in-cheek and some amount of humility.

For the tasks I had in mind, existing color spaces weren’t okay, and my goal was to make one that is. At the same time, it is possible to delve deeper. If a university had worked on this, they could have run studies with many participants. For a color space intended mainly for use on computer and phone screens, you could run studies in typical environments where they are used. It’s possible to go deeper.

Nevertheless, I took the datasets I could find and made the best of what I had. The objective was to make a very simple model that’s okay to use. And I think it is okay, and I couldn’t come up with anything better. I didn’t want to call it Björn Ottosson Lab or something like that, so I went with Oklab.

Philip: Does the name follow a tradition of calling things okay? I know there’s also a format.

Björn: No, I didn’t follow any tradition here. Oklab was just the name I came up with.

On Oklab Adoption

Philip: I discovered Oklab when it suddenly appeared in all browsers. Things often move slowly on the web, but in this case, things moved very quickly. How did it happen?

Björn: I was surprised, too! I wrote and shared it on Twitter.

I have a lot of contacts in the gaming industry and some contacts in the Visual Effects (VFX) industry. I expected that people working with shaders or visual effects might try this out, and maybe it would be used in some games, perhaps as an effect for a smooth color transition.

But the blog post was spread much more widely than I thought. It was on Hacker News, and many people read it.

The code for Oklab is only 10 lines long, so many open-source libraries have adopted it. This all happened very quickly.

from the W3C got in touch and asked me some questions about Oklab. We discussed it a bit, and I explained how it works and why I created it. He gave a at a conference about it, and then he pushed for it to be added to CSS.

Photoshop also changed its gradients to use Oklab. All of this happened organically without me having to cheer it on.

On Okhsl

Philip: In , you introduced two other color spaces, Okhsv and Okhsl. You’ve already talked about HSL, so what is Okhsl?

Björn: When picking colors, HSL has a big advantage, which is that the parameter space is simple. Any value 0-360 for hue (H) together with any values 0-1 for saturation (S) and lightness (L) are valid combinations and result in different colors on screen. The geometry of HSL is a cylinder, and there’s no way to end up outside that cylinder accidentally.

By contrast, contains all physically possible colors, but there are combinations of values that don’t work where you reach colors that don’t exist. For example, starting from light and saturated yellow in Oklab and rotating the hue to blue, that blue color does not exist in sRGB; there are only darker and less saturated blues. That’s because sRGB in Oklab has a strange shape, so it’s easy to end up going outside it. This makes it difficult to select and manipulate colors with Oklab or Oklch.

Okhsl was an attempt at compromise. It maintains Oklab’s behavior for colors that are not very saturated, close to gray, and beyond that, stretches out to a cylinder that contains all of sRGB. Another way to put it is that the strange shape of sRGB in Oklab has been stretched into a cylinder with reasonably smooth transitions.

The result is similar to HSL, where all parameters can be changed independently without ending up outside sRGB. It also makes Okhsl more complicated than Oklab. There are unavoidable compromises to get something with the characteristics that HSL has.

Everything with color is about compromises. Color vision is so complex that it’s about making practical compromises.

This is an area where I wish there were more research. If I have a white background and want to pick some nice colors to put on it, then you can make a lot of assumptions. Okhsl solves many things, but is it possible to do even better?

On Color Compromises

Philip: Some people who have tried Oklab say there are too many dark shades. You changed that in Okhsl with a new lightness estimate.

Björn: This is because Oklab is exposure invariant and doesn’t account for viewing conditions, such as the background color. On the web, there’s usually a white background, which makes it harder to see the difference between black and other dark colors. But if you look at the same gradient on a black background, the difference is more apparent.

CIE Lab handles this, and I tried to handle it in Okhsl, too. So, gradients in Okhsl look better on a white background, but there will be other issues on a black background. It’s always a compromise.

And, Finally…

Philip: Final question: What’s your favorite color?

Björn: I would have to say Burgundy. Burgundy, dark greens, and navy blues are favorites.

Philip: Thank you for your time, Björn. I hope our readers have learned something, and I’ll remind them of , where you go into more depth about Oklab and Okhsl.

Björn: Thank you!

Crows, Ghosts, And Autumn Bliss (October 2024 Wallpapers Edition)

The leaves are shining in the most beautiful colors and pumpkins are taking over the front porches. It’s time to welcome the spookiest of all months: October! To get your desktop ready for fall and the upcoming Halloween season, artists and designers from across the globe once again got their ideas flowing and designed inspiring wallpapers for you to indulge in.

The wallpapers in this post come in versions with and without a calendar for October 2024 and can be downloaded for free. And since so many beautiful and unique designs evolve around our every month (we’ve been running it for more than 13 years already, can you believe it?!), we also added some timeless October treasures from our to the collection. Maybe you’ll spot one of your almost-forgotten favorites in here, too?

A huge thank you to everyone who shared their wallpapers with us this month — this post wouldn’t exist without you. Happy October!

  • You can click on every image to see a larger preview,
  • We respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience through their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

  • Did you know that you could get featured in our next wallpapers post, too? We are always looking for creative talent.

Happy Halloween

Designed by from Spain.

  • with calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Reptile Awareness Day

“Let’s celebrate reptiles and raise awareness of their vital role in ecosystems. Many species face threats, so let’s learn, appreciate, and protect these incredible creatures and their habitats!” — Designed by from Serbia.

  • with calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Make Today A Good Day

“‘Make today a good day’ is a simple yet powerful reminder to take control of the present moment. It emphasizes that our attitude and actions shape our experience, encouraging positivity and purpose. Each day brings new opportunities, and by choosing to make it good, we invite growth, joy, and fulfilment into our lives.” — Designed by from Delhi, India.

  • with calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Dungeon Master

Designed by from Spain.

  • with calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy Dussehra

“I was inspired by Dussehra’s rich symbolism and cultural significance while creating this design. The festival celebrates the triumph of good over evil. The bow and arrow become the central focus, while the bold red background, golden accents, and the temple’s silhouette add a sense of grandeur and spirituality.” — Designed by from the United States.

  • with calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The Crow And The Ghosts

“If my heart were a season, it would be autumn.” — Designed by from Hungary.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , ,

The Night Drive

Designed by from Georgia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Autumn’s Splendor

“The transition to autumn brings forth a rich visual tapestry of warm colors and falling leaves, making it a natural choice for a wallpaper theme.” — Designed by from India.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , ,

National Fossil Day

“Join us in commemorating National Fossil Day, a day dedicated to honoring the wonders of Earth’s prehistoric past. On this special day, we invite you to step back in time and explore the remarkable world of fossils. These ancient remnants of life on our planet offer a glimpse into the evolution of life, from the tiniest microorganisms to the towering giants that once roamed the Earth.” — Designed by from Serbia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Magical October

“‘I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.’ (L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables)” — Designed by from Hungary.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , ,

Bird Migration Portal

“October is a significant month for me because it is when my favorite type of bird travels south. For that reason I have chosen to write about the swallow. When I was young, I had a bird’s nest not so far from my room window. I watched the birds almost every day; because those swallows always left their nests in October. As a child, I dreamt that they all flew together to a nicer place, where they were not so cold.” — Designed by from Belgium.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , ,


Designed by from Spain.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Spooky Town

Designed by from Germany.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Hello Autumn

“Did you know that squirrels don’t just eat nuts? They really like to eat fruit, too. Since apples are the seasonal fruit of October, I decided to combine both things into a beautiful image.” — Designed by Erin Troch from Belgium.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , ,


“The term ‘Hanlu’ literally translates as ‘Cold Dew.’ The cold dew brings brisk mornings and evenings. Eventually the briskness will turn cold, as winter is coming soon. And chrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew.” — Designed by Hong, ZI-Qing from Taiwan.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Discovering The Universe

“Autumn is the best moment for discovering the universe. I am looking for a new galaxy or maybe… a UFO!” — Designed by from Spain.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , ,

King Of The Pirates

Designed by from Spain.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Goddess Makosh

“At the end of the kolodar, as everything begins to ripen, the village sets out to harvesting. Together with the farmers goes Makosh, the Goddess of fields and crops, ensuring a prosperous harvest. What she gave her life and health all year round is now mature and rich, thus, as a sign of gratitude, the girls bring her bread and wine. The beautiful game of the goddess makes the hard harvest easier, while the song of the farmer permeates the field.” — Designed by from Serbia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Game Night And Hot Chocolate

“To me, October is all about cozy evenings with hot chocolate, freshly baked cookies, and a game night with friends or family.” — Designed by Lieselot Geirnaert from Belgium.

  • without calendar: , , ,

Strange October Journey

“October makes the leaves fall to cover the land with lovely auburn colors and brings out all types of weird with them.” — Designed by Mi Ni Studio from Serbia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Autumn Deer

Designed by from Canada.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Dope Code

“October is the month when the weather in Poland starts to get colder, and it gets very rainy, too. You can’t always spend your free time outside, so it’s the perfect opportunity to get some hot coffee and work on your next cool web project!” — Designed by Robert Brodziak from Poland.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


“To me, October is a transitional month. We gradually slide from summer to autumn. That’s why I chose to use a lot of gradients. I also wanted to work with simple shapes, because I think of October as the ‘back to nature/back to basics month’.” — Designed by Jelle Denturck from Belgium.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , ,

Autumn In The Forest

“Autumn is a wonderful time to go for walks in the forest!” — Designed by from Sweden.

  • without calendar: , , , , , ,

Shades Of Gold

“We are about to experience the magical imagery of nature, with all the yellows, ochers, oranges, and reds coming our way this fall. With all the subtle sunrises and the burning sunsets before us, we feel so joyful that we are going to shout it out to the world from the top of the mountains.” — Designed by from Serbia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Happy Fall!

“Fall is my favorite season!” — Designed by from the United States.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Designed by from Mexico City.

  • without calendar: , , , ,

First Scarf And The Beach

“When I was little, my parents always took me and my sister for a walk at the beach in Nieuwpoort. We didn’t really do those beach walks in the summer but always when the sky started to turn gray and the days became colder. My sister and I always took out our warmest scarfs and played in the sand while my parents walked behind us. I really loved those Saturday or Sunday mornings where we were all together. I think October (when it’s not raining) is the perfect month to go to the beach for ‘uitwaaien’ (to blow out), to walk in the wind and take a break and clear your head, relieve the stress or forget one’s problems.” — Designed by from Belgium.

  • without calendar: , , ,

Turtles In Space

“Finished September, with October comes the month of routines. This year we share it with turtles that explore space.” — Designed by from Spain.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , ,

Roger That Rogue Rover

“The story is a mash-up of retro science fiction and zombie infection. What would happen if a Mars rover came into contact with an unknown Martian material and got infected with a virus? What if it reversed its intended purpose of research and exploration? Instead choosing a life of chaos and evil. What if they all ran rogue on Mars? Would humans ever dare to voyage to the red planet?” Designed by from the United States.

  • without calendar: , , , , , ,

Summer, Don’t Go!

“It would be nice if we could bring summer back, wouldn’t it?” — Designed by from Serbia.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Embracing Autumn’s Beauty

“We were inspired by the breathtaking beauty of autumn, with its colorful foliage and the symbolic pumpkin, which epitomizes the season. Incorporating typography allows us to blend aesthetics and functionality, making the calendar not only visually appealing but also useful.” — Designed by from India.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , ,

A Positive Fall

“October is the month when fall truly begins, and many people feel tired and depressed in this season. The jumping fox wants you to be happy! Also, foxes always have reminded me of fall because of their beautiful fur colors.” — Designed by Elena Sanchez from Spain.

  • without calendar: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How To Manage Dangerous Actions In User Interfaces

By definition, an interface is a layer between the user and a system, serving the purpose of communication between them. Interacting with the interface usually requires users to perform certain actions.

Different actions can lead to various outcomes, some of which might be critical.

While we often need to provide additional protection in case users attempt to perform dangerous or irreversible actions, It’s good to remember that one of called “Error Prevention” says:

“Good error messages are important, but the best designs carefully prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Either eliminate error-prone conditions or check for them and present users with a confirmation option before they commit to the action.”

What Is A Dangerous Action?

Surprisingly, when we talk about dangerous actions, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is being deleted.

Here’s an example of a dangerous action from the banking application I use:

The bank approved a loan for me, and as soon as I clicked “Get Money,” it meant that I had signed the necessary documents and accepted the loan. All I have to do is tap the yellow button, and I’ll get the money.

As a result of an accidental tap, you might end up taking a loan when you didn’t intend to, which is why this action can be considered significant and dangerous.

Therefore, a dangerous action does not necessarily mean deleting something.

Some examples may include the following:

  • Sending an email,
  • Placing an order,
  • Publishing a post,
  • Making a bank transaction,
  • Signing a legal document,
  • Permanently blocking a user,
  • Granting or revoking permissions.

Ways To Confirm Dangerous Actions

There are many methods to prevent users from losing their data or taking irreversible actions unintentionally. One approach is to ask users to explicitly confirm their actions.

There are several ways to implement this, each with its own pros and cons.

Modal Dialogs

First of all, we should understand the difference between modal and non-modal dialogs. It’s better to think about modality state since dialogs, popups, alerts — all of these might be presented either in the modal state or not. I will use the term dialogs as a general reference, but the keyword here is modality.

“Modality is a design technique that presents content in a separate, dedicated mode that prevents interaction with the parent view and requires an explicit action to dismiss.”

Modal dialogs require immediate user action. In other words, you cannot continue working with an application until you respond in some way.

Non-modal dialogs, on the other hand, allow you to keep using the application without interruption. A common example of a non-modal element is a toast message that appears in the corner of the screen and does not require you to do anything to continue using the app.

When used properly, modal dialogs are an effective way to prevent accidental clicks on dangerous actions.

The main problem with them is that if they are used to confirm routine actions (such as marking a task as done), they can cause irritation and create a habit of mindlessly confirming them on autopilot.

However, this is one of the most popular methods. Besides, it can be combined with other methods, so let’s dive into it deeper.

When To Use Them

Use modal dialogs when a user action will have serious consequences, especially if the result of the action is irreversible. Typical cases include deleting a post or project, confirming a transaction, and so on.

It depends on what kind of action users want to take, but the main thing to keep in mind is how serious the consequences are and whether the action is reversible or not.

Things To Keep In Mind

  1. Avoid vague language.
    If you ask users, “Are you sure?” chances are, they will not have any doubts.
  2. In the title, specify what exactly will happen or which entity will be affected (e.g., project name, user name, amount of money).
  3. Provide an icon that indicates that the action is dangerous.
    It both increases the chances that users will not automatically confirm it and is good for accessibility reasons (people with color blindness will notice the icon even if it appears grey to them, signaling its importance).
  4. In the description, be specific and highlight the necessary information.
  5. The CTA button should also contain a word that reflects the action.
    Instead of “Yes” or “Confirm,” use more descriptive options like “Delete,” “Pay $97,” “Make Transaction,” “Send Message,” and so on — including the entity name or amount of money in the button is also helpful. Compare: “Confirm” versus “Pay $97.” The latter is much more specific.

However, this might not be enough.

In some cases, you may require an extra action. A typical solution is to ask users to type something (e.g., a project name) to unblock the CTA button.

Here are a few examples:

asks users to type “DO IT” when removing subscribers.

Pro tip: Note that they placed the buttons on the left side! This is a nice example of applying . It seems reasonable since the submit button is closer to the form (even if it consists of only one input).

asks users to type “DELETE” if they want to delete an API key, which could have very serious consequences. The API key might be used in many of your apps, and you don’t want to break anything.

This modal is one of the best examples of following the best practices:

  • The title says what the action is (“Delete API Key”).
  • In the text, they mentioned the name of the API Key in bold and in a different color (“Onboarding”).
  • The red label that the action can not be undone makes it clearer that this is a serious action.
  • Extra action is required (typing “DELETE”).
  • The CTA button has both a color indicator (red usually is used for destructive actions) and a proper label — “Delete API Key”. Not a general word, e.g., “Confirm” or “Delete.”

Notice that Resend also places buttons on the left side, just as ConvertKit does.

Note: While generally , this is one of the cases where it is acceptable. The dialog’s request is clear and straightforward both in ConvertKit and Resend examples.

Moreover, we can even skip the submit button altogether. This applies to cases where users are asked to input an OTP, PIN, or 2FA code. For example, the bank app I use does not even have a log in button.

On the one hand, we still ask users to perform an extra action (input the code). On the other hand, it eliminates the need for an additional click.

Accessibility Concerns

There is ongoing debate about whether or not to include a submit button when entering a simple OTP. By “simple,” I mean one that consists of 4-6 digits.

While I am not an accessibility expert, I don’t see any major downsides to omitting the submit button in straightforward cases like this.

First, the OTP step is typically an intermediate part of the user flow, meaning a form with four inputs appears during some process. The first input is automatically focused, and users can navigate through them using the Tab key.

The key point is that, due to the small amount of information required (four digits), it is generally acceptable to auto-submit the form as soon as the digits are entered, even if a mistake is made.

On the one hand, if we care about accessibility, nothing stops us from providing users control over the inputs. On the other hand, auto-submission streamlines the process in most cases, and in the rare event of an error, the user can easily re-enter the digits.

Danger Zones

For the most critical actions, you may use the so-called “Danger zone” pattern.

A common way to implement this is to either have a dedicated page or place the set of actions at the bottom of the settings/account page.

It might contain one or more actions and is usually combined with other methods, e.g., a modal dialog. The more actions you have, the more likely you’ll need a dedicated page.

When To Use Them

Use a Danger Zone to group actions that are irreversible or have a high potential for data loss or significant outcomes for users.

These actions typically include things like account deletion, data wiping, or permission changes that could affect the user’s access or data.

Things To Keep In Mind

  1. Use colors like red, warning icons, or borders to visually differentiate the Danger Zone from the rest of the page.
  2. Each action in the Danger Zone should have a clear description of what will happen if the user proceeds so that users understand the potential consequences.
  3. Ask users for extra effort. Usually, the actions are irreversible and critical. In this case, you may ask users to repeat their password or use 2FA because if someone else gets access to the page, it will not be that easy to do the harmful action.
  4. Keep only truly critical actions there. Avoid making a danger zone for the sake of having one.

Inline Guards

Recently, I discovered that some apps have started using inline confirmation. This means that when you click on a dangerous action, it changes its label and asks you to click again.

This pattern is used by apps like Zapier and Typefully. While at first it seems convenient, it has sparked a lot of discussion and questions on and .

I’ve seen attempts to try to fix accidental double-clicking by changing the position of the inline confirmation label that appears after the first click.

But this creates layout shifts. When users work with the app daily, it may cause more irritation than help.

As an option, we can solve this issue by adding a tiny delay, e.g., 100-200ms, to prevent double-clicking.

It also matters who your users are. Remember the good old days when we used to click a dozen times to launch Internet Explorer and ended up with dozens of open instances?

If your target audience is likely to do this, apparently, the pattern will not work.

However, for apps like Zapier or Typefully, my assumption is that the target audience might benefit from the pattern.

Two-factor Authorization Confirmation

This method involves sending a confirmation request, with or without some kind of verification code, to another place, such as:

  • SMS,
  • Email,
  • Authenticator app on mobile,
  • Push notifications (e.g., instead of sending SMS, you may choose to send push notifications),
  • Messengers.

Notice: I’m not talking about authentication (namely, login process), but rather a confirmation action.

An example that I personally face a lot is an app for sending cryptocurrency. Since this is a sensitive request, apart from submitting the requisition from a website, I should also approve it via email.

When To Use It

It can be used for such operations as money transfers, ownership transfers, and account deletion (even if you have a danger zone). Most of us use this method quite often when we pay online, and our banks send us OTP (one-time password or one-time code).

It may go after the first initial protection method, e.g., a confirmation dialog.

As you can see, the methods are often combined and used together. We should not consider each of them in isolation but rather in the context of the whole business process.


Passkeys are a modern, password-less authentication method designed to enhance both security and user experience.

“Passkeys are a replacement for passwords. A password is something that can be remembered and typed, and a passkey is a secret stored on one’s devices, unlocked with biometrics.”

There are a few pros of using passkeys over 2FA, both in terms of security and UX:

  1. Unlike 2FA, which typically requires entering a code from another device or app (e.g., SMS or authenticator apps), passkeys streamline the confirmation process. They don’t require switching between devices or waiting for a code to arrive, providing immediate authentication.
  2. While 2FA provides extra protection, it is vulnerable to phishing, SIM-swapping, or interception. Passkeys are much more resistant to such attacks because they use public-private key cryptography. This means no secret code is ever sent over the network, making it phishing-resistant and not reliant on SMS or email, which can be compromised.
  3. Passkeys require less mental effort from users. There’s no need to remember a password or type a code — just authenticate with a fingerprint, facial recognition, or device-specific PIN. This way, we .
  4. With passkeys, the authentication process is almost instant. Unlike 2FA, where users might have to wait for a code or switch to another device, passkeys give us the opportunity to confirm actions without switching context, e.g., opening your email inbox or copying OTP from a mobile device.

The passkeys are and more and more adopt it.

Second-person Confirmation

This is a mechanism when two users are involved in the process. We may call them initiator and approver.

In this case, the initiator makes a request to take some action while the approver decides whether to confirm it or not.

In both roles, a confirmation dialog or other UI patterns may be used. However, the main idea is to separate responsibilities and decrease the probability of a bad decision.

Actually, you have likely encountered this method many times before. For example, a developer submits a pull request, while a code reviewer decides whether to confirm it or decline.

When To Use It

It is best suited for situations when the seriousness of decisions requires few people involved.

There is a direct analogy from real life. Take a look at the picture below:

The Council of Physicians reminds us that in medicine, seeking a second opinion is crucial, as collaboration and diverse perspectives often result in more informed decisions and better patient care. This is a perfect example of when a second opinion or an approver is essential.

Here, you will find some apps that use this method:

  • GitHub, as previously mentioned, for merging pull requests.
  • Jira and other similar apps. For example, when you move issues through a certain workflow stage, it may require manager approval.
  • Banking applications. When you make a high-value transaction, it could be necessary to verify it for legal issues.
  • Deel, which is a global hiring and payroll. One part (e.g., employer) draws up a contract and sends it to another part (e.g., freelancer), and the freelancer accepts it.

But here is the thing: We can consider it a separate method or rather an approach for implementing business logic because even if another person confirms an action, it is still a dangerous action, with the only difference being that now it’s another person who should approve it.

So, all of the examples mentioned above are not exactly a standalone specific way to protect users from making wrong decisions from the UI point of view. It’s rather an approach that helps us to reduce the number of critical mistakes.

Do We Actually Need To Ask Users?

When you ask users to take action, you should be aware of its original purpose.

The fact that users make actions does not mean that they make them consciously.

There are many behavioral phenomena that come from psychology, to name a few:

  • : The tendency of a person to stick to familiar decisions, even if they are not suitable for the current situation. For instance, the vast majority of people don’t read user agreements. They simply agree with the lengthy text because it’s necessary from the legal point of view.
  • : People often make decisions based on information that is easily accessible or familiar to them rather than making a mental effort. When users see the same confirmation popups, they might automatically accept them based on their previous successful experience. Of course, sooner or later, it might not work, and the acceptance of required action can lead to bad consequences.
  • : The human mind is considered to be a cognitive miser due to the tendency of humans to think and solve problems in simpler and less effortful ways rather than in more sophisticated and effortful ways, regardless of intelligence. This explains why many users just click “yes” or “agree” without carefully reading the text.
  • Quite a representative example is , even though not related to confirmation but, in fact, revolves around the same human behavior idiosyncrasies.

A reasonable question that may arise: What are the alternatives?

Even though we cannot entirely affect users’ behavior, there are a few tactics we can use.


In some scenarios, we can artificially delay the task execution in a graceful way.

One of my favorite examples is an app called Glovo, which is a food delivery app. Let’s have a look at the three screens you will see when you order something.

The first screen is a cart with items you chose to buy (and an annoying promotion of subscription that takes ⅓ of the screen).

After you tap the “confirm order” button, you’ll see the second screen, which asks you whether everything is correct. However, the information appears gradually with fade-in animation. Also, you can see there is a progress bar, which is a fake one.

After a few seconds, you’ll see another screen that shows that the app is trying to charge your card; this time, it’s a real process. After the transaction proceeds, you’ll see the status of the order and approximate delivery time.

Pro tip: When you show the status of the order and visually highlight or animate the first step, it makes users more confident that the order will be completed. Because of the trick that is called .

You’ve just paid, and “something starts happening” (at least visually), which is a sign that “Oh, they should have already started preparing my order. That’s nice!”

The purpose of the screen with a fake progress bar is to let users verify the order details and confirm them.

But this is done in a very exquisite way:

  1. On the first screen, you click “confirm order”. It doesn’t invoke any modals or popups, such as “Are you sure?”.
  2. On the second screen, users can see how information about their order appears right away, and the scroll bar at the bottom goes further. It seems like that app is doing something, but it’s an illusion. An illusion that makes you take another quick look at what you’ve just ordered.

In the previous version of the app, you couldn’t even skip the process; you could only cancel it. Now they added the “Continue” button, which is essentially “Yes, I’m sure” confirmation.

This means that we return back again to the drawbacks of classic confirmation modals since users can skip the process. But the approach is different: it’s a combination of a feedback loop from the app and skipping the process.

This combination makes users pay attention to the address, order, and price at least sometimes, and it gives them time to cancel the order, while in the classic approach, the confirmation is “yes or no?” which is more likely to be confirmed right away.

The Undo Option

The undo pattern allows users to reverse an action they have just performed, providing a safety net that reduces anxiety around making mistakes.

Unlike confirmation modals that interrupt the workflow to ask for user confirmation, the undo pattern provides a smoother experience by allowing actions to be completed with the option to reverse them if needed.

When To Use It

It works perfectly fine for non-destructive, reversible actions &mdashl actions that don’t have significant and immediate consequences:

  • Reversing actions when editing a document (The beloved ctrl + z shortcut);
  • Removing a file (if it goes to the trash bin first);
  • Changing the status of a task (e.g., if you accidentally marked a task completed);
  • Deleting a message in a chat;
  • Applying filters to a photo.

Combined with a timer, you can extend the number of options since such tasks as sending an email or making a money transfer could be undone.

When You Cannot Use It

It’s not suitable for actions that have serious consequences, such as the following:

  • Deleting an account;
  • Submitting legal documents;
  • Purchasing goods (refund is not the same as the undo option);
  • Making requests for third-party APIs (in most cases).

How To Implement Them?

  1. The most common way that most people use every day is to provide a shortcut (ctrl + z). However, it’s constrained to some cases, such as text editors, moving files between folders, and so on.
  2. Toasts are probably the most common way to implement these web and mobile apps. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that it should stand out enough to be noticed. Hiding them in a corner with a tiny message and color that is not noticeable might not work — especially on wide screens.
  3. A straightforward solution is simply to have a button that does the undo option. Preferably close to the button that evokes the action that you want to undo.

The undo option is tightly related to the concept called soft deleting, which is widely used in backend frameworks such as .

The concept means that when users delete something via the UI, it looks like it has been deleted, but in the database, we keep the data but mark it as deleted. The data is not lost, which is why the undo option is possible since we don’t actually delete anything but rather mark it as deleted.

This is a good technique to ensure that data is never lost. However, not every table needs this.

For example, if you delete an account and don’t want users to restore it (perhaps due to legal regulations), then you should erase the data completely. But in many cases, it might be a good idea to consider soft deleting. In the worst case, you’ll be able to manually restore user data if it cannot be done via the UI for some reason.


There’s something I want everyone to keep in mind, regardless of who you are or what you do.

Every situation is unique. A certain approach might work or fail for a variety of reasons. You might sometimes wonder why a specific decision was made, but you may not realize how many times the interface was revised based on real user feedback.

User behavior is affected by many factors, including country, age, culture, education, familiarity with certain patterns, disabilities, and more.

What’s crucial is to stay in control of your data and users and be prepared to respond when something goes wrong. Following best practices is important, but you must still verify if they work in your specific case.

Just like in chess, there are many rules — and even more exceptions.

Further Reading

  • , Apple
  • “,” João Bexiga
  • “,” Josh Wayne
  • “,” Suraj Singh Bisht
  • “,” Jakob Nielsen
  • “,” Kinneret Yifrah
  • , passkeys.io

The Timeless Power Of Spreadsheets

Part of me can’t believe I’m writing this article. Applying the insights of or to web design is more my groove, but sometimes you simply have to write about spreadsheets. You have to advocate for them. Because someone should.

In a checkered career spanning copywriting, journalism, engineering, and teaching, I’ve seen time and time again how powerful and useful spreadsheets are in all walks of life. The cold, hard truth is that you — yes, you — likely have an enormous amount to gain by understanding how spreadsheets work. And, more importantly, how they can work for you.

That’s what this piece is about. It’s a rallying cry, with examples of spreadsheets’ myriad uses and how they can actually, in the right circumstances, be the bedrock of altogether inspiring, lovely things.

Cellular Organisms

Spreadsheets have been around for thousands of years. . Their going digital in the late ‘70s was a major factor in the rise of personal computing. Much is (rightly) made of the cultural transformation brought about by the printing press. The digital spreadsheet, not so much.

For as long as people have had projects and data to organize, spreadsheets have been indispensable. They were the original databases.

Spreadsheets don’t always get a lot of attention these days. For organization and workflow, we usually find ourselves in the worlds of Trello, Jira, or GitHub Projects. Datasets live in Oracle, MongoDB, and the like. There are good reasons for these services emerging — everything has its place — but

I do get the sense that specialized tooling causes us to skip over the flexibility and power that today’s spreadsheet editors provide.

This is especially true for smaller projects and ones in their early stages. Yes, sometimes only a huge database will do, but often spreadsheets are more than fit for purpose.


What makes spreadsheets so great? We’ll get into a few real-world examples in a second, but several qualities hold true. They include the following:

  • Collaboration
    Cloud-based editors like Google Sheets give groups of people a space in which to collaborate on data. They can serve as a middle ground for people working on different parts of the same project.
  • Structure
    It’s inherent to spreadsheets that they’ll get you thinking about the ‘shape’ of the information you’re dealing with. In the same way that , tables coax out frameworks — and both have their place
  • Flexibility
    Spreadsheets can evolve in real time, which is especially useful during the formative stages of a project when the shape of the ‘data’ is still being established. Adding a field is as simple as naming a column, and the ability to weave in formulas makes it easy to infer other values from the ones you have. With stuff like the , you can even scrape data directly from the spreadsheet
  • Power
    You’d be surprised how much you can do in spreadsheets. Sometimes, you don’t even need bespoke dashboards; you can do it all in the editor. From data visualization to pivot tables, spreadsheet editors come with a bunch of powerful out-of-the-box features.
  • They translate into other data formats
    Spreadsheets are one small jump from the mighty CSV. When the time is right, spreadsheets can still become raw data if you want them to.

Such is the flexibility and power of spreadsheets, and what’s listed here is scratching the surface. Their fundamental strength of organizing data has made them useful for thousands of years, while contemporary enhancements have taken them to the next level.

Case Studies

Below are a few examples from my own experiences that showcase these benefits in the real world. They’re obviously slanted towards my interests, but hopefully, they illustrate the usefulness of spreadsheets in different contexts.

Galaxies (Of The Guardian)

I work as a software engineer at Guardian News & Media, a place where 10% of the time, i.e., one work day every two weeks, is yours to spend on independent learning, side projects, and so on, is part of the working culture. An ongoing project of mine has been Galaxies (of the Guardian), a org chart that represents departments as a series of interrelated people, teams, and streams.

What you see above is powered by information stored and edited in spreadsheets. A lambda scraps departmental information using the aforementioned Google Sheets API, then reformats into a shape Galaxies plays nicely with.

This approach has had several benefits. The earliest iterations of Galaxies were only possible because there was already a spreadsheet being maintained by those who needed to keep track of who worked where. Techies and non-techies alike are able to update information easily, and it is transparent to anyone who works inside the organization.

For anyone interested, . Suffice it to say here, spreadsheets were — and remain — the engine of the whole thing.

Food Bank Britain

My background is in journalism, and I still freelance in my own time. As my coding skills have improved, I’ve naturally gravitated towards data journalism, even teaching it for a year at my old journalism school.

Spreadsheets are inseparable from a lot of modern journalism — and, indeed, copyrighting in general. The digital world is awash with data, and good luck making sense of it without a working knowledge of spreadsheets.

For example, earlier this year simply wouldn’t have been possible without spreadsheets. It was by collating data from the Trussell Trust, the Independent Food Aid Network, and national census reports that I was able to map out the sheer scale of the UK’s food bank network.

Granted, the map is more visually engaging. But then that’s the idea. It’s the same information, just presented more pointedly.

There are plenty of other instances of spreadsheets being instrumental at the Guardian alone. , the newspaper’s automated house style checker, began life as a subeditor’s spreadsheet. User research and bug tracking for the new , which I worked on during its formative stages, was tracked and discussed in spreadsheets.

And, of course, countless pieces of quality journalism at the Guardian and beyond continue to be powered by them.

Another Cell In The Table

If this piece has got you to at least consider learning more about spreadsheets and spreadsheet editors, you’re in luck. There are countless free learning resources available on the web. Here are a few excellent beginner videos to help you on your way:

As for spreadsheet editors, the big three these days are probably , , and (for the open source devotees out there). They all work much the same way. And as you get comfortable with their functionality, new avenues will open.

Data is the lifeblood of the modern web, and spreadsheets remain one of the most accessible, flexible ways to organize, analyze, and share it. As I hope the examples I’ve shared with you show, spreadsheets aren’t inherently boring. They can be, but when used in the right ways, they become the engines of dynamic, impactful work.

The way they go is up to you.

Embracing Introversion In UX

I place myself firmly in the category of being an introvert when it comes to my role as a UX researcher. I love the process of planning and executing research. I have never felt a need to be the loudest or most talkative person in a meeting. I contribute after I have developed something worth saying (or have a really bad joke worked up).

I also love interviews and usability testing, where I interact with users and engage in meaningful conversation. And then I am exhausted. I love speaking about the findings of research and sharing the spotlight with my colleagues during a presentation, and then I want to go to bed underneath the conference room table. I facilitate workshops with ease but have trouble mustering up the energy required to attend what often feels like mandatory post-workshop socializing.

In truth, I have sometimes felt introverted tendencies set me back at work, particularly as a consultant who needs to build relationships to keep the work flowing (in theory). An example would be getting called out by a manager in my junior days for not engaging in as many networking activities as I could have been with some of our clients. My defense of feeling overstimulated, overwhelmed, and uninterested in socializing fell on deaf ears.

I think we have grown in our understanding of introverts and what they need to be high performers, particularly since Susan Cain’s 2013 best-selling book was released.

This article aims to celebrate the power of introversion in UX research and design. We’ll debunk common misconceptions, explore the unique strengths introverted researchers and designers bring to the table, and offer practical tips for thriving in a field that sometimes seems tailored for extroverts. My goal is to build on some of the work on UX and introversion that already exists. I’ve cited other articles where appropriate and shared the resources I’ve found on UX and introversion at the end of this article.

Introversion is not the same thing as being shy, just as extroversion isn’t the same thing as being brash. For simplicity and the sake of this article, I am going to use the following definitions provided by :

“Extroverts get energy from interaction with others and like to share ideas with others to help develop their thinking, whereas introverts need to recharge on their own after much social contact and prefer to share ideas only when they are fully formed.”

There are many potential reasons one could have introvert or extrovert tendencies (, and these come on a scale where one might lean or introvert or extrovert depending on the occasion. Those who straddle the middle ground of introversion and extroversion are considered ambiverts.

As Jonathan Walter notes in a series of , many UX professionals find themselves drawn to the field because of their introverted nature. Introversion, often misunderstood as shyness or social awkwardness, is simply a preference for internal reflection and processing. It’s about drawing energy from solitude and finding fulfillment in deep thought and meaningful connections.

As UX is clearly a space where introverts are drawn, there is already a decent amount of literature aimed at introverted UX practitioners. In writing this article, I wanted to differentiate from what is already out there, as well as extend.

I wanted to include some personal stories of introverts who aren’t myself and work in UX. To do this, I went to LinkedIn and asked people to send me personal anecdotes. My post, at least by my standards, was well received, with over 100 reactions and a dozen people sending me direct messages sharing anecdotes. I was even introduced to Tim Yeo, who has recently released a . I’ll be sharing some of the stories people shared with me over LinkedIn, where appropriate (and with their permission), throughout this article to help draw the connections to real life.

First, let’s talk a little about what we know about measuring if you (or others) are introverted, extroverted, or in between.

Measuring Introversion & Extroversion: Self-Assessment Tools

Understanding where you and your team members fall on the introversion-extroversion spectrum can be invaluable for tailoring your approach to work, collaboration, and personal development. , two medical school professors, write that medical educators should know where they fall on the introversion — extroversion spectrum to deliver great teaching experiences. I’d extend this to UX practitioners, including UX managers, UX researchers, and designers. If we collaborate with others, we will benefit from knowing where we fall on this scale.

While there’s no single definitive test, here are a few simple and accessible tools that can offer insights:

  1. Online Quizzes: Numerous online quizzes and assessments are available, often based on established personality frameworks like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Big Five personality traits. These quizzes can provide a general sense of your tendencies and preferences. Popular options include:
    • : Offers a free, comprehensive assessment based on the MBTI.
    • : Provides a variety of personality tests, including the Big Five and Enneagram.
    • : Offers a quiz specifically focused on introversion and extroversion.
  2. Reflection and Journaling: Take some time to reflect on your daily experiences and interactions. Ask yourself the following questions:
    • What activities energize me vs. drain me?
    • Do I prefer to work alone or in groups?
    • How do I recharge after a long day?
    • Do I prefer deep conversations with a few people or socializing with a larger group?
  3. Observation: Pay attention to your behavior and reactions in different social settings. Notice what triggers your stress response and what environments make you feel most comfortable and productive.
  4. Professional Assessment: If you’re seeking a more in-depth analysis, consider consulting a career coach or psychologist who specializes in personality assessment. They can administer standardized tests and provide personalized feedback and guidance.
    • Multidimensional Introversion-Extroversion Scales (MIES): This scale specifically focuses on the multifaceted nature of introversion and extroversion. It measures several sub-traits associated with each dimension, such as social engagement, assertiveness, enjoyment of social interaction, and preference for solitude. Professional psychologists often reference this test, which can be accessed freely , but might be best done with the guidance of a professional.

There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to introversion or extroversion. You might even find some folks are ambiverts who display different personalities in different settings. You can’t force your teammates to take these types of tests. But if you are able to get buy-in, it can be a fun activity to see who considers themselves more introverted or more extroverted. The goal is to understand your own preferences and tendencies and those of your colleagues so you can create a work environment that supports your well-being and maximizes your potential.

Introverts’ Super Powers

The idea that UX is an extrovert’s game couldn’t be further from the truth. As Jeremy Bird notes in his article on the , it’s a field that demands a wide range of skills, including deep listening, empathy, observation, analysis, and creativity — all of which introverts excel at. With so much information already available from articles on UX and introversion noted in the biography below, I’m going to briefly highlight the commonly accepted strengths of introverts.

Deep Listening

Introverts are often exceptional listeners. In user interviews, they give participants the space to fully express their thoughts and feelings, picking up on subtle cues and nuances that others might miss. This active listening leads to a deeper understanding of user needs and motivations, which is crucial for both research and design.

One practitioner shared their experience on LinkedIn:

“In a nutshell, being introverted gives a natural advantage in giving the user space to tell their story. I’m more likely to embrace pauses that others may feel are awkward, but this allows users to either double down on their point or think of another point to add (“lightbulb” moment).”

— Dominique S. Microsoft User Research via LinkedIn


Many introverts possess a high degree of empathy. They can easily put themselves in users’ shoes, feeling their frustrations and celebrating their successes. This empathy fuels user-centered design, ensuring that products and services are not only functional but also emotionally resonant.

Observational Skills

Introverts are naturally observant. They notice details in user behavior, interface interactions, and environmental context that others might overlook.

Thoughtful Analysis

Introverts often prefer to process information internally, engaging in deep, solitary reflection before sharing their insights. This leads to well-considered and insightful findings and well-crafted data-informed design.

Independent Work

Introverts tend to thrive in independent work environments. As notes, teachers should allow introverted students to work independently or in pairs. This way, they can focus deeply on research tasks, design problems, or data analysis without the distractions that come with constant collaboration.

Now that we’ve covered the commonly recognized strengths introverts bring to the table, let’s cover some common hurdles and explore effective strategies for overcoming them that empower introverts to thrive.

Potential Challenges (And How To Overcome Them)

Being introverted can bring up some challenges when it comes to doing things that require a lot of social energy. However, many introverts in UX find ways to push beyond their natural tendencies to meet the demands of their profession. One UX practitioner shared their experience on LinkedIn:

“I’ve been extremely introverted all my life, but have always been able to proceed beyond my introverted boundaries because of a commitment to (perceived) duty. My passion for synergizing user needs, business needs, and the assorted bevy of constraints that arise helps me downplay and overlook any challenges arising from my tendency to be withdrawn.”

— Darren H. MS UXD via LinkedIn


Introverts might initially feel overwhelmed in networking situations or workshops due to the continual social interaction and the need to navigate unfamiliar environments and interact with new people, which can be particularly daunting for those who prefer solitude or small-group conversations.

  • Researchers & Designers: Building professional relationships can be challenging for introverts. Large conferences or networking events can feel overwhelming. Small talk can feel forced and inauthentic.
    • Solutions for researchers and designers:
      • Focus on quality over quantity: Instead of trying to meet as many people as possible, focus on building a few meaningful connections.
      • Utilize online communities: Connect with other UX professionals on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter. Engage in discussions, share your insights, and build relationships virtually before meeting in person.
      • Attend smaller events: Look for niche conferences or meetups focused on specific areas of interest. These tend to be more intimate and less overwhelming than large-scale events.
      • Leverage existing relationships: Don’t be afraid to ask a colleague or mentor to introduce you to someone new.

Presenting Work and Public Speaking

Introverts may initially avoid presenting because they tend to prefer avoiding the spotlight. They may also worry about being judged or scrutinized by others.

  • Researchers: May feel anxious about presenting research findings to stakeholders, especially if they have to do so in front of a large audience.
  • Designers: Can struggle with pitching design concepts or justifying their decisions to clients or colleagues, fearing criticism or pushback.

For the introvert, you might not like this, but you need to get comfortable presenting, and the sooner you do, the better.

Solutions for researchers and designers:

  • Practice, practice, practice
    The more you rehearse your presentation or pitch, the more comfortable you’ll feel. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself or ask a trusted friend for feedback.
  • Use visual aids
    Slides, mockups, or prototypes can help you illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged.
  • Focus on clear communication
    Structure your presentation logically, use simple language, and avoid jargon. Speak slowly and confidently, and make eye contact with your audience.
  • Build confidence over time
    Start with small presentations or informal feedback sessions. As you gain experience and positive feedback, your confidence will naturally increase.

I’ve personally found presenting in front of a large anonymous crowd to be less intimidating than smaller, intimate meetings where you might know a few people mixed in with a few strangers. In the end, I always remind myself I am supposed to be the expert on what I’ve been asked to present or that my job is to clearly state the outcome of our research to stakeholders hungry to see the relevance of their work. The audience wants to support you and see you succeed. I take confidence in that. I’m also exhausted after giving a presentation where I’ve left it all on the floor.

Now, let’s move on to topics beyond what I’ve found covered in existing articles on UX and introversion and cover workshop facilitation and managing group dynamics.

Managing Group Dynamics

Introverts may find group dynamics challenging, as they often prefer solitary activities and may feel overwhelmed or drained by social interactions. In group settings, introverts may have difficulty asserting themselves, sharing their ideas, or actively participating in discussions. They may also feel uncomfortable being the center of attention or having to make decisions on the spot.

Additionally, introverts may struggle to build relationships with their peers in a group setting, as they may be hesitant to initiate conversations or join in on group activities. These challenges can make it difficult for introverts to fully engage and contribute in group settings, leading to feelings of isolation and exclusion.

One UX designer responding over LinkedIn eloquently shared their experience with communication challenges:

“Introversion can sometimes create challenges in communication, as my thoughtful nature can be misinterpreted as shyness or disinterest. To step out of my shell, I need to build trust with those around me before I can feel truly comfortable. However, I don’t see this as the worst thing in the world. Instead, I view it as an opportunity to identify areas where I need to improve and learn to advocate for myself more effectively in the future. In embracing both the strengths and challenges of being an introvert, I’ve found that my introverted nature not only enhances my work as a designer but also drives continuous personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both myself and my team.”

— Arafa A. via LinkedIn

  • Challenge: Large groups can be overwhelming, and introverted facilitators might find it difficult to assert control or manage dominant personalities who may derail the discussion.
  • Solutions:
    • Clear Ground Rules: Establish explicit ground rules at the beginning of the workshop to ensure respectful communication and equal participation.
    • Assertive Communication: Practice techniques like “broken record” or “fogging” to politely but firmly redirect the conversation when necessary.
    • Partner with a Co-Facilitator: Collaborate with an extroverted colleague who can complement your strengths. They can take the lead in managing group dynamics and energizing participants.

Managing group dynamics covers a broad number of situations UX professionals face on a daily basis. Let’s get a little more specific and focus on how introverted UXers can thrive as workshop facilitators.

Facilitating Workshops

If you’re an introverted UX professional who shies away from leading workshops, it’s time to reconsider. Here are some of the reasons introverts can be perfect workshop facilitators:

  1. Preparation:
    • Introverts tend to be meticulous planners. We thrive on preparation and often go above and beyond to ensure a workshop is well-structured, organized, and aligned with learning objectives. This thoroughness translates to a smooth, well-paced session that instills confidence in participants.
  2. Thoughtful Facilitation:
    • Introverts are known for their active listening skills. We genuinely want to hear what others have to say and create a safe space for diverse perspectives to emerge. We ask thoughtful questions, encourage reflection, and facilitate meaningful discussions that lead to deeper understanding.
  3. Empathy & Connection: We’ve already discussed in the section on superpowers how introverts excel at empathy and connection.
  4. Observation Skills: We’ve already discussed in the section on superpowers how introverts excel at observational skills.
  5. Comfort with Silence:
    • Introverts understand the power of silence. We’re not afraid to pause and allow reflection after asking a question or during a brainstorming session. This creates space for deeper thinking and prevents premature conclusions or groupthink.

We’ve reviewed many of the challenges introverts might face in their daily work life. Let’s turn our attention to a more recent phenomenon, at least in terms of its widespread availability as an option for many UX professionals: remote work.

Working Remotely

Increased telecommuting offers a unique opportunity for some introverts. Introverts, who often find comfort in solitude and derive energy from spending time alone, sometimes find the constant socialization and bustle of open-plan offices overwhelming and draining.

Remote work provides introverts with an opportunity to control their surroundings and create a workspace that promotes focus, productivity, and creativity. Remote work allows introverts to communicate and collaborate on their own terms. Introverts often prefer one-on-one interactions over large group meetings, and remote work makes it easier for them to engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues and clients.

Potential Challenges For Introverts Working Remotely

While remote work has been a game-changer for many introverts, it is important to acknowledge that it is not without its challenges. Introverts may miss the camaraderie and social connections of an in-person workplace, and they may need to make a conscious effort to stay connected with colleagues and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Introverts working remotely may need to develop strategies for self-advocacy and communication to ensure that their voices are heard and their contributions are valued in a virtual work environment.

  • Isolation and Disconnect: The lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to feelings of isolation and detachment from the team.
  • Communication Barriers: Virtual communication can be less nuanced, making it harder to convey complex ideas or build rapport with colleagues.
  • Meeting Overload: Excessive video calls can be exhausting for introverts, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.
  • Limited Non-Verbal Cues: Virtual interactions lack the subtle body language and facial expressions that introverts rely on to understand others’ perspectives.

Overcoming Challenges: Strategies For Introverts Working Remotely

Introverted remote employees can implement some of these strategies and tactics to enhance their productivity, reduce burnout, and maintain a positive work environment:

  • Proactive Communication: Initiate regular check-ins with colleagues and managers, both for work-related updates and casual conversations.
  • Schedule Breaks: During long virtual meetings, take short breaks to recharge and refocus.
  • Advocate for Your Needs: If you’re feeling overwhelmed by meetings or social interactions, don’t hesitate to speak up and suggest alternatives, such as asynchronous communication or smaller group discussions.
  • Build Virtual Relationships: Participate in virtual social events, share personal anecdotes in team channels, and find opportunities to connect with colleagues on a personal level.
  • Embrace Video Calls (Strategically): While video calls can be tiring, they can also be valuable for building rapport and understanding non-verbal cues. Use them strategically for important discussions or when you need to connect with a colleague on a deeper level.

Implementing what we’ve covered in this section will help to reduce the likelihood of frustration from both remote working introverts and their colleagues.

Tips For Introverted UX Researchers And Designers

We’ve covered a lot of ideas in this article. If you find yourself nodding along as an introvert or perhaps coming to the realization you or someone on your team is more introverted, this section and the next will end this article on a high note, introducing some actionable tips for introverted researchers and designers, and their managers and teammates, to create a more comfortable and successful working environment for introverts to thrive alongside their extroverted colleagues.


Everyone needs to engage in an appropriate amount of self-care to feel their best. For an introvert, this is often done in solitude, particularly after engaging in a day or week full of social interaction. Some tips that could apply to anyone but are of particular relevance to introverts include the following:

  • Schedule downtime: Block out time in your calendar for quiet reflection and recharging after meetings or social interactions. This could be a walk in nature, reading a book, or simply sitting in silence.
  • Honor your energy levels: Pay attention to when you’re feeling drained. Don’t be afraid to decline invitations or reschedule meetings if you need time to recharge.
  • Create a calming workspace: Surround yourself with things that promote relaxation and focus, such as plants, calming music, or inspiring artwork.

Play To Your Strengths

Introverts know themselves best and have spent a lifetime reflecting on who they are and what makes them wake up happy to go to work. As such, introverts may have a high awareness of their strengths. This allows an introvert to do the following:

  • Identify your unique talents: Are you a meticulous researcher, a creative problem-solver, or a passionate user advocate? Focus on tasks and projects that align with your strengths.
  • Communicate your preferences: Let your manager or team know what type of work you thrive in. Perhaps you prefer to work independently on research tasks or focus on the visual aspects of design.
  • Build on your skills: Seek opportunities to develop your existing skills and acquire new ones. This could involve taking online courses, attending workshops, or seeking mentorship from experienced researchers and designers.


Introverts might hesitate to speak up when the room is crowded with unknown future friends. However, anyone, introverted or not, needs to be their own best advocate when it comes to making colleagues and management aware of how to create the best workplace environment to thrive in:

  • Advocate for your needs: Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask for what you need to succeed. This could involve requesting a quiet workspace, suggesting alternative meeting formats, or simply letting your team know when you need some time to yourself.
  • Develop your communication skills: Even though you may prefer written communication or one-on-one conversations, it’s important to be able to communicate effectively in various settings. Practice public speaking, participate in team discussions, and learn to articulate your ideas clearly and confidently.

It’s essential for introverts to advocate for their needs and communicate their preferred work styles to their colleagues and managers. One UX professional shared their experience on LinkedIn:

“I do my best work when I have time to think and prepare vs. on-demand thinking, speaking, & decision making. So, I ask for agendas, context, and pre-reads to help me make the most impact in meetings. When I shared this fact, it really helped my outgoing teammates, who never thought that others might operate differently than they do. I got feedback that this was a learning experience for them, and so I have continued to share this fact with new teammates to set expectations and advocate for myself since I find it to be an extrovert-centered business world.”

— Anonymous UXer on LinkedIn

Another LinkedIn UXer provided additional tactics for how they navigate communication styles and expectations, particularly in a fast-paced or extrovert-dominated environment.

“The longer I work with people in a creative capacity, the more I recognize the power of delay. Plenty of introverts are also high-achieving people pleasers (raises hand 🙋🏻). This has caused stress over the years when working with extroverts or verbal processors because there can be a perceived sense of urgency to every thought or ask.
[slowing things down] can look like using certain phrases to help slow down the implied urgency to allow me to more thoughtfully process the ask:

  • “Ah, interesting! Could you say more about that?”
  • “Can you clarify the ‘why’ behind this for me? I want to make sure I’ve got it right.”
  • “How does this support our goals for < x project / user >?”

And if the ask comes through asynchronously via email or Slack, I ask myself the following:

  1. Was this sent during working hours?
  2. Am I the only one who can answer this question / address this issue?
  3. Can I provide a short response that lets the person know their message was seen and that it’s on my radar?”

— Kait L. UXer via LinkedIn

Group Dynamics

Introverts may not initially thrive when it comes to group dynamics. They might wish to observe the group before deeply engaging. They can find it difficult to assert themselves in a group setting and may feel overwhelmed by the constant need for social interaction.

Additionally, introverts may find it harder to contribute to discussions or be slower to form meaningful connections with others in a group. The extroverted nature of group dynamics can be draining for introverts, and they may require more time to recharge after being in a group setting.

  • Prepare in advance: Gather your thoughts, jot down key points, or even practice your delivery. This can help you feel more confident and articulate in group settings.
  • Take breaks: If a meeting is dragging on, step out for a few minutes to recharge. A quick walk or a moment of solitude can do wonders for your energy levels.
  • Seek one-on-one interactions: If you’re struggling to be heard in a group, try scheduling separate meetings with key stakeholders to share your insights or design concepts in a more intimate setting.
  • Utilize virtual collaboration tools: If in-person meetings are particularly draining, suggest using tools like Slack, Miro, or Figma for asynchronous collaboration and feedback.

Introverts often find creative ways to navigate the challenges of large group settings. One UX researcher shared their experience on LinkedIn:

“I have a monthly meeting with many employees (50+) to go over survey results. I realized it was super awkward for me just to wait as people joined the meeting. I tried to make small talk about upcoming weekend plans or what people had done over the weekend, but engagement was still pretty low, and I was not equipped enough to carry on conversations. I decided to fill the time with memes. I would search for user research memes and tie them into why user research is important. More people started coming to my meetings just to see the meme! As time went on, I became known as the meme person. While I can’t necessarily say if that’s a good thing — brand awareness is powerful! At least people know user research exists and that we’re fun — even if it all started from being awkward and introverted.”

— Anonymous LinkedIn UXer

Guidance For Moving Up As An Introverted Researcher Or Designer

I turned to Tim Yeo to provide some insight into how introverts can best prepare for moving up the career ladder. Tim provided some tactical advice focusing on teamwork and people skills:

“Practice your people skills. If you, as an individual, could do it all on your own, you would’ve probably done it already. If you can’t, then you need to work with people to bring your creation to life. It takes a team.”

Tim also shared the strategic reason behind the importance of leaders having excellent people skills:

“We also like to believe that higher management is always more sure, more right, and has all the answers. In my experience, the reality is almost the opposite. Problems get fuzzier, messier, and more complex the higher up the organization you go. Making decisions with incomplete, imperfect information is the norm. To operate successfully in this environment requires steering people to your worldview, and that takes people skills.”

You can find some additional information on ways for introverts (and extroverts) to gain people skills in some of the .

Let’s move on and wrap up with some tips for those who are working alongside introverts.

Tips For Managers And Colleagues of Introverts

If you are a manager of a team consisting of more than yourself, you likely have an introvert among your team. Tim Yeo states, “Research from Susan Cain’s book, Quiet, shows that 1/3 to 1/2 of our population identify as quiet or introverted.”


“If you work in a diverse team, it follows that 1/3 to 1/2 of your team are quiet. So if you don’t create a space for quiet ones to be heard, that means you are missing out on 1/3 to 1/2 of ideas.”

UX managers of teams, including introverts and extroverts, should engage in some of the following suggested practices to create an inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued, heard, and able to contribute effectively to the team’s success. UX managers can use these tips to foster a diverse and productive team dynamic that drives innovation and creativity.

  • Flexibility
    • Offer communication options: Not everyone thrives in the same communication environment. Provide alternatives to large meetings, such as email updates, one-on-one check-ins, or asynchronous communication tools like Slack.
    • Embrace different work styles: Recognize that not everyone is most productive in a bustling office environment. Allow for flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible hours, to accommodate different needs and preferences.
  • Value Diversity
    • Recognize the strengths of introverts: Introverts bring a unique perspective and valuable skills to the table. Encourage their contributions, celebrate their successes, and create an environment where they feel comfortable sharing their ideas.
    • Foster inclusivity: Make sure everyone on the team feels heard and valued, regardless of their personality type. Encourage open communication, active listening, and mutual respect.
  • Create Safe Spaces
    • Provide quiet spaces: Designate areas in the office where people can go to work independently or simply decompress.
    • Encourage breaks: Remind your team to take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge. This could involve stepping outside for fresh air, taking a short walk, or simply closing their eyes for a few minutes of meditation.
  • Professional Development
    • Offer tailored training: Provide opportunities for introverted researchers and designers to develop their communication and presentation skills in a supportive environment. This could involve workshops, coaching, or mentorship programs.

As a bonus, if you’re an introverted UX Manager and you are managing a team composed of introverts and extroverts, remember to encourage a variety of communication channels for your team members. You might default to your preferred style of communication but recognize that different team members may prefer different communication channels.

Some extroverted team members might enjoy brainstorming in large meetings, and introverted team members might prefer to contribute their ideas through written channels such as email, chat, or discussion boards.

Encouraging a variety of communication channels ensures that all team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Tim Yeo provided this list of tactics for encouraging and engaging introverts in participating in discussion:

  • Sharing the agenda before the meeting (so your quiet teammates, who are amazing preppers, by the way, can prepare and be ready to contribute).
  • Using a mix of silent and think-out-loud activities in meetings (so people who process information differently can all perform).
  • Give a heads-up before you call on a quiet colleague to speak.
  • Offer to be a thinking partner (when your quiet colleague appears to be stuck on a piece of work).

Now, let’s move on to focus on some tips for managing remote workers.

Recommendations For Managers And Teams Working Remotely

Managers and colleagues play a crucial role in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for introverted researchers and designers on dispersed teams. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Intentional Communication
    • Asynchronous First: Prioritize asynchronous communication methods (email, project management tools, shared documents) for brainstorming, feedback, and routine updates. This gives introverts time to process information and craft thoughtful responses.
    • One-on-One Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with introverted team members to build rapport, discuss their concerns, and offer individualized support.
    • Mindful Meeting Management: Be mindful of meeting frequency and duration. Consider alternatives to video calls when possible, such as shared documents or asynchronous communication channels. When video calls are necessary, ensure they have a clear agenda and purpose.
  2. Creating Virtual Water Cooler Moments
    • Casual Communication Channels: Set up dedicated IM channels or virtual spaces for non-work-related conversations, allowing for informal social interaction and team bonding.
    • Virtual Social Events: Organize virtual coffee chats, game nights, or team-building activities to foster camaraderie and connection outside of work-related tasks.
    • Collaborative Tools: Utilize virtual whiteboards or shared documents for brainstorming sessions, encouraging participation and idea generation from all team members.
  3. Cultivating Empathy and Understanding
    • Education and Awareness: Share articles or resources about introversion with the team to foster understanding and appreciation for different personality types.
    • Open Dialogue: Encourage open conversations about communication styles and preferences, creating a safe space for everyone to express their needs.
    • Celebrate Strengths: Highlight the unique contributions that introverted team members bring to the table, such as their deep listening skills, thoughtful analysis, and ability to advocate for users.
  4. Leadership Support
    • Model Inclusive Behavior: Managers should lead by example, demonstrating respect for different communication styles and creating opportunities for all team members to contribute.
    • Provide Resources: Offer training or workshops on effective virtual communication and collaboration, tailoring them to the needs of introverted team members.
    • Check-In Regularly: Regularly touch base with introverted team members to gauge their well-being, address any concerns, and offer support.

Managers and teams can implement these strategies to create a work environment that values and empowers introverted researchers and designers, enabling them to thrive and make significant contributions to the team’s success.


We create a more inclusive and productive environment when we understand and appreciate the unique needs and preferences of introverts. Whether you’re an introverted UXer navigating the challenges of remote work or a manager looking to foster a diverse and engaged team, the strategies and insights shared in this article can help you unlock the full potential of introverted talent.

“The superpower of introspection that comes with introversion has enabled me to reflect on my behaviours and engineer myself to become more of an omnivert — able to adapt to different situations.

Being self-aware and working hard to ladder up through increasingly more challenging experiences has taken me from an introvert who was too concerned to tweet to an active leader in the community, delivering seminars, speaking at an international conference and now running a mentorship program for hundreds of UX professionals across the globe.”

— Chris C. UX Master Certified, via LinkedIn

Introversion is not a weakness to be overcome but a valuable asset to be embraced. We build stronger teams, foster innovation, and ultimately deliver more meaningful and impactful user experiences when we create a culture that celebrates both introverted and extroverted strengths. The best solutions often emerge from a blend of diverse perspectives, including the quiet voices that deserve to be heard.

In closing, I’d like to use the words of Tim Yeo, who provides us with some inspiration and positive reinforcement of who we are as introverts:

“You are enough. The world may continue to favour the extrovert ideal, but pretending to be someone you are not will never feel right. Know that there is a different path to have impact at work where you don’t have to pretend to be someone you are not. That path comes from tiny habits, done well, accumulated over time.”

[You can learn more about tiny habits in Tim’s book ]

Biography And Additional Resources

  • , Tim Yeo
  • “,” Pratik Joglekar
  • “,” Jeremy Bird
  • “,” Jonathan Walter
  • “,” Jesús R
  • , Susan Cain
  • “,” Angela Craven and SueAnne Hall
  • “,” Reinoud De Jong & Anne de la Croix
  • “” (PDF), Heather McCulloch
    A wonderful and fairly easy-to-read in-depth review of introversion and extroversion, including a discussion of the differences in nervous system functioning between introverts and extroverts. I strongly recommend reading this and the citations McCulloch provides if you are interested in an academic view on this topic.